I just got a new iDevice (iPhone 4 ) and I had to get a new account. I didn't feel like transferring. So therefore, I'm starting a log to keep track of my growth on this account. I'll update it once every day, saying what I did in PiMD. I know nobody cares buy hey - why not? I'll make up for the first day of having this account soon :3
Day 1 I made the account at 1am, Dec.25. I started what the basic "New player, volley me" stuff, but I didn't get vollied . I went to bed at 4am, and woke up at 10. I joined 2 clubs (both of them suck), and finally got vollied. Since I got an iPhone, I could unload 24/7. Obviously some better players have taken notice of this, because I'm in the middle of a hiring war over me. I got 16 t2 seniors, and I'm close to getting my first t3 freshman. Tomorrow, I plan on getting 200 extra credits.
Day 2 I bought 4 tier 3 freshmen today, three of them with the 200 extra credits I bought. Also, I finally joined a nice club, "Vendetta Academy of Buffness". They're pretty damn helpful and shit. But I'm wondering if I should go to "The Pack". They're more fun, but less help.