
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DarkRose1908, Dec 25, 2011.

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  1. Can I ask, where on this thread I permitted arguing? Chloe leave, Blockey leave. Anyone else creates a fuss you can hop it to.
  2. rose  lol I'm immortals-cookie_monster 
  3. Kids these days. Tsk.

    Rose, bed?
  4. Chloe, for an 11 year old, your behavior astounds me. I have an 11 year old brother, and if he said the things you do - and treated people the way that you do - I would be ashamed!

    Your "colorful words" are not cool. I'm all for trolling, and actually quite enjoy it, but the language and harassment you use has no point.

    Trolling is supposed to be funny. You just have no respect for anyone, including yourself. Being rude and telling people to "go screw themselves sideways" is NOT trolling. It's just disturbing on so many levels.

    It's sad because I honestly quite enjoy your posts until you end up running out of witty commets and suddenly start spewing hate-filled, lewd, and just plain gross insults at people.

    I don't mean to attack you, but I'm aware that the topic of this thread is regarding using ST*U or GT*U as a bypass (when directed at a user) .... I'm sorry , but only a fail troll uses ST*F as a comeback. Just Sayin'. You're better than that.

    How about we see more derpalicious Chloe and less homicidal Chloe hmm?

    And that goes for everyone .... The absolute best forum trolls aren't the ones being completely abusive to others. It's just not nesscary.

    Anyways, that's my rant 
    Merry Christmas 
  5. I'm only going to post to reply to Olivia.

    I only use those words directed to my haters. It's almost everytime, I go on a thread and called a skamp by them. I'm tired of it already, and go a silence on my other account because of it. Right now I'm so fed up, that I don't care about my colorful vocabulary. I'm not even proud of it! o.0
  6. Merry Christmas Olivia  even though it's 26 Dec here
  7. The explanation is appreciated .... But hun, they aren't worth the time it takes to type the colorful vocabulary.

    Haters gonna hate no matter what.
    I'd much rather read your funny posts, or clever trolling comments, then the things I've seen lately.....

    Im just saying don't fight fire with fire

    Also, merry Christmas flossy 
  8. Will do. I kinda need anger management anyways rofl. 

    Happy new year, Olivia.
  9. Yes Chloe, a lot of anger management.

    On Pal, I wasn't being a hater, I was just pissed because some noob(s) decided to ignore my rules.

    First I suspected was, Leo, Glenn, you, or Justin. I know you guys well.
  10. I want the old Chloe who says less vulgarities and gives more witty and entertaining comebacks.
  11. Out with the old, in with the new ._.

    Get over it.
  12. Woah mommy, you sure type alot. Can i Troll You? 
  13. Technically rose your using it as an example like i did silence yourself:)
  14. Hey, don't blame me. RL isn't as funny as PIMD. 
  15. True.

    Chloe, I need to talk to you on Pal...

  16. 


    -kills the new self-

    Spy, I'm still embarrassed of the pal moment yesterday. 
  17. That player was me. And yes rawr, she did tell you why and you responded to her. Boom goes the dynamite!!!
  18. What part of off didn't you grasp, Chloe? I don't care who you're replying to. Off.

    And charity, I can show my example without breaking the rules. ;) You should try it someone. It's a refreshing method.

    Roy <3
  19. Slater, I don't care right now, and I'd like it if you kept the facts to yourself since we're in no need of any. Thanks.
  20. Rose, I was mentioned so I could reply... But anyway, I'm off.
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