Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *_Rawr_ (01), Dec 25, 2011.


    Since when and where, did I "harrass" somebody.

    I tolerated the silence on my other account, but on this? May a mod PLEASE explain to me what I did wrong. -facedesk-

    I would like an SS of it, and I'm pretty confused. =_=

    Just answer please, so I can explain to ATA... gosh...
  2. I saw the silence. This is bull.
  3. You didn't harass anyone. You bypassed on your thread. I silenced your other account for doing the exact same thing last week.
  4. -facedesk-

    Remind me to quit trolling. It's being misinterperated for "bullying" these days.
  5. Bypass?!

  6. Really rose? She bypassed? I've been in her threads recently, I read all the pages, and I didn't see her bypassing. 
  7. Where did you bypass??
  8. LOL Double whammy. I'm sorry for your loss, Chloe.
  9. Well. PIMD said I harrassed someone.

    Somebody care to explain? =_=

    Just tell me the first letter of the vulgar word I used... Damn typos.
  10. You told Garret to GT*O. Bypass. Your other account was silenced along with Secily for saying ST*U.
  11. Bypassing a short formed word...? Which isn't against ToU if used?!
  12. Why, Chloe? Why?!
  13. Whammy. I like that word, Josh. 

    Great. Rose, I recall one mod saying that a typo was okay, it didn't need to be silenced. I never mean to bypass anyways. I learned my lesson already. o.0
  14. Yup looks like it.
  15. What?

    Where? Where did I tell him that?
  16. Typo? How is GT*O a typo?

    And for everyone else's piece of mind, I have clarified this with support many times so you can hold your tongue on 'that's too harsh'.
  17. -Flossy, STFU!

    Is that silenceable?  'cuz I was telling myself to shut the fuck up.
  18. Just after I gave you that free club. o_O
  19. Apparently..

    Player 1: I like tsunamis!
    Player 2: lol tsunamis should GTFO

    Perfectly okay 

    Player 1: stop farming mehhhh!
    Player 2: Gtfo, YOU!

    Silence 