Love the dorm! Nothing that looks weirdly out of place imo. the box M is perfff gonna try hard to get him, but the others .. I’m not a fan haha. That first story m is - questionable
EXACTLY! ATA constantly toys with us good blk folks I mean they can’t even make our BM avis look good. Stop doing us dirty ATA and get creative for once.
The female avis are good, but i feel like I'm playing the previous hunt all over again lol for A MONTH
Unless you’re going for t10 why does it matter 😭 both of their skin is beautiful and black 🥰 I see a lot of people going for t100 this hunt! Also Caucasians are people who are from Caucasus Moutains love. Not sure that’s what you meant 🥲
I like all the avis this hunt, the pro stat is cute asf but the furniture def recycled from the Greek hunt. Idk what the complaint is about the lb girls skin, black comes in many shades. Both look fine to me, I don’t think the intention was to lighten, think they just tried to make her look golden, but point being both are pretty. Cant make everyone happy ig
Lily pond? This could have been a frog hunt instead of another Ancient Greek one. Dorm isn’t bad, but it does seem like we JUST seen it. Avis actually brought creative pleasant surprises in the variety of poses, items/props and overall designs. The hand reflections in the upper right avis were a particularly nice detail. I very much liked the relaxed nature of the bottom right avis when the presence of the rocks could have been used for some overly goofy sex appeal(still felt this from bottom left female avi though). However, I felt some confusion in the intents of certain decisions regarding them. For instance, why was only the black girl’s skin tone modified? Why was the lightening for the vip version rather than the regular? Why wasn’t the skin tone changing tested in a way for equal status avis rather than regular and vip to begin with? Why set the skin lightened avi in lb as if to promote colorism? The context in which this happened is…questionable at best. On a “lighter” note, the bottom left avis don’t truly look as if in a pond. Every time I look at the female one, I keep thinking I’ll see the arms and hair partially submerged and end up not seeing them interact with water in any way. Was only her lower half in the pond? For the male, maybe his neck at least should have been underwater? I’m not very imaginative, so I struggle to fill in blanks visually speaking. Perhaps more artistic people can explain to me just what is happening there. I also don’t know how to even float, so that is another possible contributor for my being unable to comprehend the avis. I do commend the unique contribution of these avis to the diversity of avis in general though. It’s much more interesting than simply having them lay on huge lily pads. I do kinda think the dorm should have been more water-based to coordinate with the avis in general. None of the avi sets match with the dorm, whether by bird’s eye view for the bottom left avis, surface side view for the upper left set, slightly angled surface view for the bottom right avis or underwater side view for the upper right set. I find that somewhat disappointing especially since I expect more attempts at avi/dorm coordination due to the recent updates.
Whaa 😭😭 I think the male avis look amazing this hunt Especially the lb & box avis, to die for I would’ve t100 just for the male avi if I had time 😩😩
Why's the female box avi's face look like she's delicately getting pounded? Like, cute moan face or something. It looks hella weird in the icon.
Huh, I wanted to see if anyone else was going to mention it, but the female box avi reminds me of that famous painting of Ophelia drowning herself in a river. If your school forced you to read Hamlet, then you’ve probably seen it before and know what I’m talking about. I’m not denying the artistic merit, but I can’t say I’m a huge fan of the drowning vibes for half the female avis of this hunt.