LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Beauty and the Beast Story Pass šŸ„€

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Jan 24, 2025.

  1. The furniture story passes were fun to collect for.
    JayaBallard likes this.
  2. Did ATA respond to any of these complaints yet? šŸ’€šŸ’€
  3. Nope
  4. At what point does my week 2 open.. like iā€™m waiting.
  5. I havent had a story in days??? Why??? Only hve 9 gold coins were is the rest??
    bloodhoney likes this.
  6. ATA has been real quiet ever since this thread dropped šŸ‘€

    I think it can get even worse than people realize, though.

    Week 1 required about 10k drops, and week 2 requires 11k (rounding down to be generous). If this trend continues, week 12 will require 21k drops, and the whole thing will take about 190k drops to complete.

    This is more than the last pass, which took around 160k drops to complete IIRC, and that isnā€™t even accounting for the format.

    Since only one part of the story comes out per week, any effort that normally gets drops is effectively wasted until the next week. It took me about 3 days of LBH hitting to clear the ones so far, and thereā€™s absolutely nothing you can do to progress after that. If you put in the same amount of effort each week, then youā€™d effectively need about 250k dropsā€™ worth of effort to finish on time. You canā€™t slack off at all on week 12 either, since the pass ends immediately afterwards.

    Difficulty creep in story passes is real, but this one might just take the cake. I think some lower stat players may not even be able to finish week 12 without using DNs or paying for EC parties (which may be ATAā€™s plan all along).

    Of course, I could be wrong (I hope I am, ngl) and the drops required per week donā€™t go up as quickly as I expect. Since the other weeks arenā€™t released yet, ATA still has the chance to tweak them to make them more manageable, but Iā€™m not exactly counting on it. In any case, not being able to go at your own pace is infuriating and this format better not be repeated.
  7. Technically, these first two weeks have given me 100ecs worth of keys and DNs, so the rewards aren't really bad so far. But, I'd wager at least half of the people who bother with story passes do it just for the cats and dogs. I'll go ahead and buy the pass, because I am slowly getting used to the format. Even with all of our feedback and complaints, they aren't gonna go back to the old format. I just hate that we're forced to go at a certain pace, even with the ability to keep working on the last week's tasks if we hadn't finished them on time. Just makes it harder to finish the next week's, pushing you further and further behind.
    Mythical, CapedClown and Rosalia like this.
  8. A lot of people have already said it probably better but just adding another voice, I don't like this format at all. It's tedious and honestly boring because I've almost finished the first week without any actual effort whatsoever, and if I wanted to actively work on it it would just be hitting parties and the same sort of things we all already do.
    I liked the quest aspect of the usual storypass, where it gives you something new to do on each one, and only some of them were just collecting drops, and then others being things like making trades and other aspects of the game that are different than just "play as usual"
    This just feels like a bonus xc and it's just not screaming story pass or new and exciting, it's honestly just boring.
  9. Agreed on the ā€œIf it ainā€™t broke donā€™t fix itā€ sentiment conveyed through nearly all messages here.

    Just to clarify: is ppotd meant to drop the same amount of royal rings as potd??? I got 140 from max drops of bothā€¦
  10. While the story pass avis are LOVELY but stats are ICK, please donā€™t change the rewards for story passā€¦ likeā€¦ we players enjoy doing a story pass for not JUST the Avis but also the stats and bonus rewards like cats, yachts/limos, keys and more!

    The style of the XC tiers is nice, because not everyone can be able to do certain tasks compared to others that are more achievable. I know I for one struggle with the ā€œupgrading pets 3xā€ because most if not all of my pets are now reaching timelines of taking at least 6-8+ DAYS to do (although just got two new pets so it would take less time now). So I do like the available options of how to gain story pass pointsā€¦

    However, the weekly release timeline is a bit MUCH thoā€¦ why make us wait a WEEK let alone A FEW WEEKS before able to earn Avis? I miss seeing people around campus slowly earn their story pass rewards and all set at their own paces.
  11. How often does the xcs come up? Coz its not there for me atm and i got the story pass. Not in upcoming either
  12. The new one only pops up when you finish the previous one.
  13. I havnt started the 1st one yet
  14. You only see the the basic story pass stuff not the 199ecs yet they didnā€™t get there yet just like the other past story hunt it starts out with the cash one then the 199ecs
  15. I bought the sp today and it's not showing me anything about the tasks...
  16. Mine randomly popped up this morning. 2 days after i got it. My game is extra broken tho so might not take as long for you?
  17. The free and the paid versions unlock the exact same story for the first three weeks, so having both doesnā€™t make a difference in that time frame. If you already completed the story so far with the free version, you wonā€™t see anything new yet if you buy the paid version.

    A new part of story comes out every thursday, and the paid version just gives you access to weeks 4-12.
  18. Seeing the completed weeks clogging up the extracurriculars section is vexing, and I assume it is not helping the lag of the game.
  19. Welp, last week I predicted that the pass would require 190k drops to finish, but it looks like that number was too low. The points requirement for this week went up more than I expected, but the gold coin reward (the only reason I bought the pass) didnā€™t increase at all. I think 210k might be a more realistic number, and weā€™ll just have to wait and see.

    I know I set a bad example by buying the pass, but I wanted the 100/100 avi enough to put up with the terrible format. I guess ATAā€™s takeaway from this is that the format can be awful as long as the rewards are good enough šŸ˜•
    Intention likes this.