HORROR temptation UNLUCKY box, I feel scammed

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Queen-FreddieMercury-Queen, Feb 16, 2025.

  1. I got in direct contact with PIMD but besides giving the usual ”We will look into this!” with no much further explenation, they said I should post here. To get more ”voices” out.

    So here I am. This is a long one, but bare with me.

    The Sweet temptation Lucky box is described like this:
    ”Get a Sweet Temptation Lucky Box and win EXCLUSIVE furniture, EXCLUSIVE stat items or TRADEABLE Outfit Boxes!”

    The prices go as follow:
    Buy 1, 28ec. Buy 4, 105ec. Buy 8, 200ec.

    20 credits go for 1.99 pounds. To buy one box you’d have to either buy two of those (so almost 4 pounds) or buy the 70 credits one which I believe goes for 6.99 pounds. That is if you use real life money to get the credits.
    But I know that there are plenty of people like me who can’t afford that. So we spend unreasonable amount of time going through long nonsense quizes to just get one credit. Because of course, the higher offers require you to pay to complete!
    Or if you are lucky, you’ll gather up enough ec by spinning the spinner for a 1000 times.

    Point is, EC holds a lot of value. But when I saw this box my first thought was ”Oh wow! I love furniture and collecting avis. And I for once actually have enough EC!” So I bought one.

    What PIMD fails to mention in their box description, is the fact that the Lucky Box also contains low value items that drop easier than the actual exclusive items you hope to get. The items that are the reason you BOUGHT THE BOX! To write this post, I actually prepared by doing all free offers i could to gain enough EC to buy another unlucky box. Just so that I can write this break down. So here we go.

    All the exclusive furnitures, stats and avi boxes are marked as ultra rare. The rest of the box contains last years season furniture boxes that cant even be opened unless you use a boxcutter, which cost even more EC if you don’t get lucky from other hard to find of expensive boxes— But wait! LUCKY YOU! This EC box also drops boxcutter! You know, the item that cost almost half the amount that this Lucky Box do!

    Here are some more NOT exclusive items that you are more likely to win than the ones that you actually bought the box for:
    JD’s surprise party box. EC claim ticket. Party Yacht. VIP Invites. Bento Box. Moneydog. Hypnocat. Kini and the worst one, lite box.

    If you are lucky, you’ll at least get a rare non exclusive that is worth more than the box. Like Dog, cat, kink or EC claim ticket (worth 50ec). I do not know how many invites you get, but you’d need to at least get six of them to earn back the EC you spent. Since one invite costs 5ec.

    I was hoping for any of these that would actually be wroth it. But alas, I ended up with three lite boxes. Three. Lite. Boxes.
    For context, you can get two lite boxes for free every day by just completing two parties. These are boxes that are so incredibly easy to get by tasks you wont even have to focus on completing. If you play the game, you are going to party! so those boxes are pretty much for free anyways.
    Yet, three of them is what I ended up with after buying a 28ec box that was described as EXCLUSIVE.

    In my head, my delusional head, I hoped and prayed that at least these lite boxes would be more likely to drop good stuff. So that I could at least get some type of furniture, even if it wouldn’t be an exclusive one like I had hopes. Maybe I’d at LEAST GET HUNT FURNI.
    Wrong. So wrong. each lite box contained just 50 event drops. you know. The thing you collect each hunt to reach next tier. Tiers that have like 1000s of drops between them. Aka, 150 doesn’t even make a small dent.

    I paid 28ec, worth over 2 pounds, for 150 drops. 28 extra credits.
    And you know what, I wouldn’t even care as much if before you buy the lucky box they let you know that the exclusive items are ultra rare drops. While the rest is rare items that you can gain from any other damn box in the game. But no, the box says ”WIN EXCLUSIVE”. There is not even a ”MAYBE” or ”HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN”. They do not mention that you aren’t guaranteed to win exclusive items. They do not mention that you run a risk if winning items that aren’t even worth half the price of the box.

    Ive seen people who have bought like 40 of these boxes and won only one exclusive furniture while the rest was just trash. How is this fine? I am so disappointed and sad over the whole thing. They need to make it more clear that the exclusive boxs isn’t just exclusive.
    So okay PIMD, I’ll post here. Share my feedback here like you asked. In hopes that more people will voice their opinion and experience, like you also wanted. In hopes that will change anything.

    And for those who have lucky boxes. You are more likely to earn anything from it by selling the box for bentos. Ive seen people selling it for around 4-5b. Which is more than what selling a cat, dog, 11 invites, etc, will get you. Aka the drops you are more likely to get than the exclusive items. If you are at least that lucky. You might just get lite boxes like me. Fml.
  2. Yes. I also believe as paying players the luck should be run higher. Especially if you’re opening them every time they come out.
  3. I think they must put the odds like any gacha/loot box game. The App Store and Play store made the requirement years ago.

    "Apps offering mechanisms to recieve randomized virtual items from a purchase must disclose the odds of recieving those items in advance of purchase"

    How is this game getting around this policy?
  4. They do feel like a scam. And are at the very least being falsely advertised. I won't even open them since I learned my lesson the first time I bought them. I've been sitting on 3 pizza lucky boxes I got with a purchase because I don't even want to open those.
  5. I hadn’t thought of that, but that is actually deeply concerning. I wonder if this genuinely could get them in legal trouble.
  6. I've brought this up before under other threads, how PIMD is just a gacha game but unlike most other gacha games, they do not disclose their drop rates. i didn't know that this was an official policy though!! do you know if it's a regional policy or irregardless of region?
  7. It's globally, if the game break the policy they can't operate on the store. And in the case they are breaking any law of a country they simply can't operate in there, for example this game is heavily illegal in Belgium because of the loot boxes, Apex had this problem and they don't offer them in that country and simply sell the stuff with no gambling involved.
    Besides, I saw this game is +17 and no +18? Isn't 17 still a minor? They would be breaking the safety for minors in exposure of gambling.
  8. I bought 10 of those boxes. Opened them all instead of selling them because I stupidly thought mayyybe I'd get something good.

    I got 4 furni boxes (and 4 box cutters), 10 inv (they seem to drop 5 at a time), so that's six boxes there. The other 4? Lite boxes!

    Even the other boxes dropped 2-3 furni boxes at a time. Why is this box dropping only 1 measly furni box and 1 boxcutter?
  9. I wonder if labeling it "ultra rare", "rare" et cet counts 🤔
    LeeJarrett and Nicotine like this.
  10. oh damn ty for this info!!

    i sent in a help ticket asking what exactly they do about this policy and/or how they get around it.. let's see what they have to say🤷🏻‍♀️
  11. Update: I got a non-response lol.

    "Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the loot boxes. We really appreciate your perspective! I’ll make sure to pass your feedback along to the Design team so they’re aware of how you’re feeling about this."

    & when I pressed further

    "Just to give you a bit of insight, our Design team is the one responsible for planning and implementing new features and updates. They make sure everything’s set up properly and that it follows Apple’s regulations. They’re always keeping an eye on any changes in guidelines to make sure everything stays compliant.

    I also wanted to mention that our Support team is separate from the Design team, so we don’t have a say in those decisions. But we’re always here to help out with any questions or issues you might have!

    If there’s anything else you need, just let us know—we’re here to help!"

    and then they closed the ticket. Support can't answer questions about this so looks like we're SOL
    LeeJarrett, Victoria and Lite like this.
  12. Drop rates for all boxes seem to be worse.
    HannahLecter and LeeJarrett like this.
  13. If you can’t afford to play PIMD don’t.

    Big thanks to the folks that do spend and keep the game going. ATA give those folks some PIMD merch for reals.
    Tiramisu and Young like this.
  14. UP FOR THIS ^

    That's the reason why PIMD is for older/mature people — if you can't handle bullies, exploitation, and losing then don't spend or don't play at all. If you're new here save your wallet and uninstall. Don't come with me and say "I've played this game for 1000 years" and then complains about how the game works. I'm not against your post but I do agree that you have to spend to have fun.
  15. Edit* "you don't have to spend to have fun*
  17. They really should be disclosing drop rates, as every other game with loot boxes does.
    Also..a pity system would be interesting if they implemented in some gachas.
    LeeJarrett and Nicotine like this.
  18. What kind of nonsense is this? how is that in any way related to the discussion here?
    HannahLecter and LeeJarrett like this.
  19. It is one thing to know what you are buying and then get unlucky. But it is a whole other thing you be fooled into buying a box that isn’t as described.

    I agree that the game is for a mature audiance so to play it you need to wear your big boy pants. But to say you need to be okay with being exploited by those who create the game? That is genuinely a disturbing take.
    This is an actual issue and should be taken up with the team, which I did and which they then lead me here.
  20. lock the thread too much crying victim. Playing a chance game and crying after you don’t like what you got is pathetic.
    Young likes this.