Is the nightlife 999 upgradable? Ik it can't be traded. But thought it might be like Xmas bauble one? Not shocked the other 2 can't be, but as it's actually marked as 999 with normal stats, hoping it can be
So I’ve hit some of the living room levels to get rewards but I have yet to receive them. My ata is the same on both games.
Does anyone know exactly what paths to take to get all the 999s before the crossover event is over? I already wasted a bunch of time because I’m not used to playing these types of games and I didn’t know that you literally have to check every button and see what everything does, then have everything going in the background in order to not waste a second of time, and even then you have to look up other players’ game guides to make sure you’re not choosing the wrong path or buying things just because you think you’re supposed to be decorating your house like a normal person. Wtf.
Also I’m old (38) so I was raised to not click on random things in case it breaks the computer or steals my identity lol. I don’t know how to do anything I swear
That’s so amazing! Tbh I really enjoy that we can do crossovers again and again. I missed many of them last time - happy to get something now. Also, it’s good thing to reward people who continue playing both games.
Did you log into Single City with the same ATA ID email you use on here? If you just let it make you a new account, you won't get rewards.
Update: I'm on the verge of upgrading my living room. I don't have nearly enough cash and the game mechanics doesn't produce cash fast enough.
It’s not really possible unless you have time and resources that you can pour into this game. You can’t just win speed-ups like in Witch Arcana. So the timers are designed to screw you over.
Update on this. I still don’t like this game at all. I really despise it. But that’s besides the point… I think I have said it before and I’ll say it again. The amount of money you get is just too little, it’s not doable to get your living room upgrades this fast in such a short time. During the first crossover we complained it was impossible to do, so honestly what makes you think it can be done a second time in even a shorter time period. oh well… even after the crossover is done I will never ever play this game again.
I re-downloaded the game when this started, was at living room level 14, !and I am now at... living room level 15. But, I did download witch arcana a few days after and get to level, like, 12. I feel that witch arcana is slightly easier. I hate the art style (just my preference), but the gameplay feels better than single city. I don't feel like it takes 6 weeks to get resources to upgrade, more like a few days, because the monsters give more resources than anything in single city does.
I’ve gotten my accounts connected and the rewards were there but, I don’t have the new pet skins. My living room is an 8 and I have all three of those pets. Anyone else having this problem?
I had to search my inventory in PIMD using the right words. They’re not in your gift inbox where buddy box items are, they just appear in your inventory