UPDATE Silencing Policy Updates 2021

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Jul 6, 2021.

  1. Hmmmmm
    isamu likes this.
  2. Big rant/vent here so please don't feel like these hard feelings/negative/bad energy is directed towards any certain person/player or a certain group of people like I had said before this is a rant/vent and I needed to get it off my chest please don't target me. Funny how ATA Says that they don't want to kink shame. But when I ask for "feet subs to dom or chat to. Or asking to come play with some goth feet in rp or anything feet related" IN PUB and ONLY IN PUB. I get silenced i literally feel like I get silenced most of the time when I be asking/saying for the things listed above. But yet when there's other people who has/had/is saying anything that's SILENCEABLE. They don't get silenced. I even had reported a bunch via in game and the help ticket. I even checked back on the account to see if they get/got silenced because I save their username for a bit incase I see they saying the things they say. Whether it will be in pub or campus and they don't/didn't get silenced. Ata mods really like to kink shame certain things. And not silenced the things that is silencedable. Don't even start on "oH SeNd iN a HeLp tIcKeT iF yOu GeT SiLeNced"(suppose to be sarcastic right there). I do and I don't get approved on my appeal even though I had followed the instructions.(why even have an option to appeal if you all don't even accept the appeals). Also in my opinion why have a area/chat that is labeled pub and is for 18+ or whatever. And people or me in this case can't ask for feet related things because they get silenced but people who ask/say for things that is worser/silencedable don't get silenced. I am too the point where I'm paranoid and upset because of this situation. Paranoid because I don't want to ask for what I want anymore in chat with the fear of me getting silenced. And upset because I feel targeted/kink shamed. When there's people who are literally asking/saying things worser and way more silencedable than what I am asking for. I have tried multiple friendly acceptable variations of asking for the things I have mentioned. I even had tried putting ages 20+ I still get silenced. I know that this is alot to read. And if you had read it this far thanks for reading... I'm open up to any ideas or suggestions that you might have.... if not that's okay.
    YoungKeyGlock likes this.
  3. This is so dumb. I'm only replying bc the only reason I found this thread is bc I got up this afternoon to find that I have received a day silence. WHILE I was asleep. Well I check forums to contact ATA about it because I don't know how to go about that while silenced. I'd very much appreciate the unsilince as I wasn't even on my main last night either. I had logged into a old account I found. I could provide proof and screenshot of that if needed. I'd very much appreciate the sudden silence. ALL because of this "UPDATE" in the silences...
    bellabells likes this.
  4. It's literally so awful bro. I woke up silenced lmao, while I was asleep...
    bellabells likes this.
  5. I understand your frustration, but forums is not the best avenue to express it. If you wish to appeal your silence reach out to ATA utilizing the help feature with any proof you can provide and your reason for appealing! Good luck and I wish all the best!
    YoungKeyGlock likes this.
  6. Hi, so there's a few points here that I want to clear up:

    1. "feet subs to dom or chat to. Or asking to come play with some goth feet in rp or anything feet related"

    If this is directly what you are saying word for word, this is fine and not silencable. But if you are being explicit and going into detail about aspects of this kink it may become silencable.

    2. "But yet when there's other people who has/had/is saying anything that's SILENCEABLE. They don't get silenced. I even had reported a bunch via in game and the help ticket. I even checked back on the account to see if they get/got silenced because I save their username for a bit incase I see they saying the things they say. Whether it will be in pub or campus and they don't/didn't get silenced."

    Moderators work on a volunteer basis and do not have set hours. This unfortunately means that we may miss some silences depending on the time that they occur. Additionally, it's not possible for players to "see" if someone gets silenced as there's no visible marker other than the silence message, and messages of silenced players do not get deleted on public channels like Pub or Campus.

    3. "I do and I don't get approved on my appeal even though I had followed the instructions.(why even have an option to appeal if you all don't even accept the appeals)."

    Appeals are just that, the process of a review done by a higher party. This does not guarantee the removal of your silence. It is only a review of your case to check if you were wrongfully silenced.

    I'm not entirely sure what suggestions you're looking for, but if it pertains to specifics on what you have been getting silenced over, feel free to add me.
  7. Me over here still waiting for the account that’s telling me to kms stays unsilenced 🙃 maybe yall should be able to monitor chats or something, cause it’s not like I have the ability to screenshot after they’ve deleted and blocked me. Wild that the cyberbullying hust goes unpunished.
    BrattyKitty and bellabells like this.
  8. Moderation is only done in public chats currently, so PMs, gifts and club chat are not a part of this. It is advised to block players who are saying things of that nature.
  9. I just found screen time proof as well.
    bellabells likes this.
  10. Well I'm officially done. I have contacted the ATA in the help page and it wouldn't even let me connect a picture link for proof like we used to be able to do.
    bellabells likes this.
  11. I'm not exactly sure what you would need the photo proof for when contesting a silence, but you're welcome to add me.
    Croatia likes this.
  12. What the he double hockey sticks?? You weren't even on and got silenced? That's some bull

  13. I still end up getting silenced with me saying that though... So basically no point in doing the appeal process?
  14. Oh I was told that too and no consequences for the person
  15. Came back after years on hiatus. Only to see you disagree with people playing around. But yet have a pub for people to do disgusting stuff. Okay. Maybe time to delete the app. 😷

    Not only that, but I’ve seen people asking for stuff in regular chat. Don’t get silenced. Hm…so what was the point of the rules?
  16. How come I tried to get in game help and got ghosted… by THE GAME
  17. Learn patience. You arnt the only person in need of help
  18. So I'm guessing I got a one day ban from forums on my main for saying the f word even though dinosaretheoldestcars says it all the time. Got it.
    BrattyKitty likes this.
  19. Its perfectly fine to swear in general. You just cant do it at people.

    So for example.
    Fuck that shit = all good
    Fuck you are a shithead = not ok
  20. Yeah, I said something like "Why the fuck would you do that?" Didn't think it would be ban-able, but whatever, I'll just switch back to freak and frick when it's lifted 🤣