LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 🎁 Gift Wrapped Shardbox 🎁

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Dec 4, 2024.

  1. Ugly. πŸ™„
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  2. Not gonna get them but I appreciate the body positivity
    Lumi likes this.
  3. Just loud and ignorant with this wrong ass opinion.
    Arux, bloodhoney, Pahuj and 1 other person like this.
  4. Compared to the Christmas shard avatars last year this is very upsetting 🫠
  5. Huh? I'm not the girl you replied to, but please elaborate because I don't understand how she's ignorant or wrong. I mean, she could've been nicer, but have you seen the other comments about these avis?
  6. she is literally saying the skin color ruins the look…. if you don’t see how that’s ignorant then pls reflect lol
    Arux and Pahuj like this.
  7. Well, I said I think the green ornaments should've been white but the red ones would've looked better black.

    I personally just don't think green looks good on really dark people. Maybe she does too but was, again, just really mean about it. I truly do not understand how her opinion is ignorant though. It's her opinion.
  8. calling straight up racism an opinion is crazy work
    πŸ’€ smh ok girl
    Arux and Pahuj like this.