NEW FEATURE 🤯 December Updates: Multi Rooms & More! 🤯

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, Jun 27, 2024.

  1. I would have suggested using the recycle pieces instead of monopoly houses to open up new dorms if we have to have an option to buy but other than that ✨no notes.
    VanGoghAway, Muschi and MeIania_Trump like this.
  2. Thank you for all these updates 🫶🏻
  3. On an unrelated note.. who has over 9.9M ecs?! 😱🤯
  4. Why does everything have to cost some in game currency and be so tedious? We can’t just have the damn extra dorm. This was supposed to be for us to have more than one fave dorm styled and saved either having to unequip everything. Not to have to unlock every item slot in the damn door piece by piece with tokens *and* we can’t even choose which room is the one in display behind our avi. Ridiculous.
    0-Felix-0, CorneliaSt, Yuma and 9 others like this.
  5. Either should be without*
  6. So leveling dorms are useless now? Why would you make them weaker? Yall literally sell stat items in shop on a weekly basis at this point… furni… and now two expensive as booty percentage stat items in Molly… avatars… all behind huge pay walls. But DORMS are what’s setting off balance? Not the fact a 200mcs can hit someone like 30mcs? 🤣💀

    can Yall bffr for two seconds please 😔 this is getting out of hand oml.
  7. Selling my leveled Cloud 9 Dorm 🙃🙃🙃🙃✨ since dorms stats about to be useless as everything else now.
  8. I’m glad to see second dorm the released finallyyyy. So good on that.
    Is it released the way the majority wanted, No.
    I would’ve been fine with just a cosmetic only dorm that could’ve been made into “dorm sets” to easily switch out for main.
    Happy with the search bar added to gifts.
    More utility updates are appreciated.
    MayaTheHopeful, Tizzy and Muschi like this.
  9. Only thing I see that I like is the gift search bar; now we need x10-x100 spinner and box opening option as every other game has this feature. Going on the right path~ :)

  10. Right??? Like I was 9mcs or something and getting hit by a 100mcs but the furniture is the issue and causing the imbalance that. Like what happened to the players not being able to hit someone that's 30+mcs below. For example the one that I had listed above where I was 9mcs and the other person was 100mcs.
  11. this slay
  12. Now this is a good quality of life update, ty Ata 🥳🥳🥳
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  13. Solid. Thanks, ATA!
  14. Id like to see these tokens appear somewhere in my showcase or how they pop up in the shop when spending VIP tokens to see how many I have 👀
    bloodhoney, Victoria and Adorabelle like this.
  15. These are fantastic! The gift search bar is definitely a long time coming. I think you first mentioned working on this in 2019. Also glad to finally see the extra dorm after the "under construction" for like a year.
    Victoria likes this.
  16. They are in your showcase. Or at least they are for me.
  17. Yesss finally 🤩
  18. Adding to this, would be awesome to be able to see the amount of tokens we have as we spend them to unlock pieces in the room. I’m spending them blind rn 😵
    SweetDarkAngel, Cait447 and Muschi like this.