Better Yet Just Sell Keys for EC and charge 5EC. x60 = 300EC. Allow the 1 earned a Week (Free) Allow Multiple Use of Drop The Bass. Then Make invites Permanent. 110EC. Make Holiday Invites with 10-20% Payout Boost. You Win, We Win, we all Win. 😆
Will be updating the Party Guide with information learned today 🥳 Please wall me if any of this seems inaccurate, as it's still very new info. -Max Drops reported 4650 -Parties can drop Parisian Decor Boxes -Flirt bar goes fast if players are strong enough to hit -Last bar is extremely fast
Another Key Point. To hit the “Hard Bar” it was said 60 rooms with t11. That cost up towards 450T+ And stats would be 138mcs. What needs fixing is the payout of ALL Parties. T11 you seem to like (I do as well) since T9 has been now obtained easier for F2P. However the jump to T11 cost 6.9x more. Fix this and just maybe you can see people wanting to upgrade or level dorms.
I think someone actually used the light on on your club On mine, everyone got reminded not to use the light on and no one was chosen to use it, and the drop the bass bar end up stay so Long until we found someone who still has the bass effect to use the light on to finish the bar
Did the party in my club and it was kinda fun wish there was ways to get bass and keys though want to try it again
For a non ec party I think its nice (plunder, and reward wise), still think the 60 keys are way too excessive tho. If it stay as is it would need a whole lot of planning for the club imo cos having all 60 people around to drop a key is crazy. That doesn't even happen in a regular ec club.. only in flash clubs. I did 1/3 on flirt but thats me using a random avatar, a non upgraded dorm and with 10m regen. Please bring back Super Pros ATA, tysm 💖
So after playing this party ... ATA this is so stupid there's a lot of problems you really need to fix first of all that we can't buy the key and it needs 60 keys to start so how can we do it if all of the club members already used it?? Second this the bass only last for 5 min after i get the item from molly i need to activate it myself and the time be longer cause due to that we only can use the switch if the bass is activated i will lose the bass before activating it also getting the items only once is carzy and confusing please fix this
So I have a few suggestions here, the thought is good and the party is too tough at the current state The key requirement should be reduced to 30 from 60 The bass bar should be more easy to finish and not a pain If these two are fixed the party has a huge chance to take over
If the final party of this came out, and its still 60 keys, it will be hard to coordinate, hence it will be probably done the same way flashes are, since it easier to coordinate that way than running this to a regular potd club, especially with DROP THE BASS, wherein you can only for 5 mins. Also, who is this party for again?
Only replying to your 1st inquiry, this is what ATA Barton said "During official launch, the current plan is to unlock 1 key across the entire week. Every member of the Club will need to participate in Daily XCs and achieve a certain number of tiers over the week to get their key for the week. The idea is that this is an special event that each Club can only do once per weekend!"
As a heads up, it appeared players were burning through the Drop The Bass bar much quicker than expected and resulted in players not getting the full benefits of Drop The Bass. We have bumped it so it's much harder to finish without using the Lights On item now. I also wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to leave feedback! It's all helpful to get some perspective what we need to think about before an official release!
How this party works *60ppl will use the key to activate party(60 keys are needed for the party) only 100mc plus can hit first bar successfully without failing *everyone can hit 2nd bar *u need to activate bass in molly corner to hit 3rd bar but one person should have their own active and claim light switch while bass is still active for 5min for the 3rd bar or u might as well forget about ending that bar when light is turned off the party is over *rewards are 3750 main drop and 600plus side drop with parisian decor box . Extra points: *anyone otherwise the 60ppl who dropped keys can hit party. *Only activate lights out with bass active and only one person should do it after everyone has hit. Review:it was stressful at first but interactive and fun all in all
I actually don’t hate it and I think that the drops, plunder, etc, are nice. I got 3720 main drops from a single party and that’s pretty decent. My only thing is that I wish the buff was longer than 5 minutes, my attention span for parties specifically is very short and of course I forgot to hit and when I saw it had expired. lol It will be a bit hard to coordinate, but in my opinion the keys should be kept at 60 since it’s intended to be a special event once a week and having people doing it every day or every other day defeats the purpose, it’ll also make drops and what not go crazy if it’s more often. Another point is that we already have people with thousands alts trying to sell those keys at this exact moment, we definitely do not need them exploiting the market even further.
They've said 40 dormates at t10 will barely be able to hit, I've got 40 t9 and I'm just over 30mcs if that gives any context
This seems like a waste of DNs to me. The payout wasn’t really great for all the coordination that was needed and you still can’t control other players using the items at the wrong time. This is just a way to burn through DNs in my opinion.
We have a successful potd club with very few issues. We rarely fail a party and we run 24/7. That being said, we NEVER have 60 online at the same time. I doubt we even have 60 active members. So this will cause my members to hop out and it will hurt the club. I’m not a fan and it will definitely not help with club building. I wanted to be excited but I’m not.
I'm getting really frustrated with trying to get people to get keys, why are people trying to sell them? This is a TRIAL. The way this club can't get people to join because everyone is looking for keys is crazy, it's not a club that I was a part of before because my club wasn't doing it, it's basically throwing people to the wind and hoping they can find something that works because as the day goes on less keys are available
This event is honestly ass not listening to community what so ever, your making more and more ppl quit this game, instead of fixing it, and everything just so expensive now