UPDATE 🎃Trick or Treat This Halloween!🎃

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Oct 21, 2024 at 9:03 PM.

  1. What's sad is the amount of shards and candies that you get from parties if you get any at all. I've been playing all day everyday and still don't have enough shards for the avi in Molly's. Then the candies come and I've played all day even done a lot of 🍕 flashes and got maybe 1 🍬 off the party if I was lucky. I spent over 30 Dns in the flashes and have 5 🍬 to show for it. Ata has done everyone so wrong that don't spend 💰 💰 💰 like others. I can only imagine how the bf event is going to be if this is already what they're doing smdh.... 😒😒😒
    LeeJarrett, Xennial, Placebo and 11 others like this.
  2. It's official. Ata doesn't care if the game is fun or even attainable. BUT long as ppl pay they will keep doing this Bull.
  3. The drop rate is ridiculous. I don’t understand why 60-100 pieces of candy can’t drop per party, like the drops for hunt side quests. It doesn’t make sense to be this greedy.
    Kain, LeeJarrett, Xennial and 16 others like this.
  4. I hope that ATA will address this issue soon. It is very unfair, I agree. And it only encourages outside markets, which is hurtful to players that work hard to earn their things rightfully.

    Like everyone has said in this thread, I also don’t agree with the drop rewards and the drop rates—especially because I prefer POTD clubs, like many others. It is incredibly difficult for players who want the avatars and stat items to obtain them.

    I don’t collect avis. And I don’t think I will care too much about these rewards, but I do really like some of these avis, especially because I thought they would be easily accessible for all players. However, looking at the drops ratios, I don’t think it will be possible.

    I did not realize how bad it was until I recently looked at my party notifications and saw no candy or 1 candy (!!🙈) even with the free booster from yesterday. Same with my club mates too.

    We are not asking for a lot! I think maybe drop rewards should be about 100-200 per party. (Even 50-100 is better than this). It should be a guarantee to receive candies every party as well.

    Of course, there is a need to make it challenging for the community. That is alright too—so in this case, if you don’t want to make it a guarantee drop every party, at least increase the drop rates (such as to not have 1-3 candy drops for every 1 out of 10 parties completed).

    Another possibility is to lower the price of the avis in the shop. It doesn’t have to be a major decrease, but it should be reasonable for all players.

    I really like this idea/event. ☀️ But the way it is carried out, I don’t agree with.
    Ch, LeeJarrett, Xennial and 17 others like this.
  5. For a moment i dreamt of getting a 999 finally. But with 1 treat from potd or 3 from cat and that not even sure? Bye bye dreams. 😭
  6. Let's talk about the black market bento sellers too. They are thriving right now and getting all the money you intended for yourselves from this ATA.

    Noob alt clubs that are run by people who do this for a business are going hard, and Iassume are operated by bots. I literally saw 4 start parties at the same time in different yesterday on the campus notification.

    They're chasing those candy bar drops which are selling 50-100b each on campus rn, and then going and selling their bentos off app for IRL money, which your players are going for since it's more of a guarentee for new content than playing the game for rewards is.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again; ATA you are the biggest supporter of black market trading through creating these horrid supply&demand imbalances.
  7. yall don’t want to let us breathe before BF do you?😒 At least fix the drop rates if you gonna continue to cashgrab us every single time you release anything.
    0-Felix-0, Kain, LeeJarrett and 11 others like this.
  8. That drop rate is embarrassing, its like yall are too greedy to actually like your player base. Who came up with the idea that anything besides the smaller rewards are attainable. This is like some carnival where the prizes are wack regardless for the amount of cash you waste on it.
    Ch, LeeJarrett, Placebo and 9 others like this.
  9. When u want to throw numbers in front of your shareholders instead of doing something good for your actual customers, this kind of 💩 ideas come up. I mean they do realise that squeezing every bit of $$ from honest players will make them run away from the game instead of having meaningful engagements on game.
    Kain, LeeJarrett, Placebo and 4 others like this.
  10. They'd have made hella on this content had they put it in Molly's or something and been upfront that it was pay to win 🤦‍♀️ Youre right, dangling a carrot on a stick most won't get to their entire player base will absoloutly be what drives people away from here.
  11. Please change the drop rate for 🍬, idgaf about the bars. Happy Halloween 🧎🏻‍♀️‍➡️
  12. can yall AT LEAST increase the drop rate and make it so it's like a side story drop? or at the very least make the drops guaranteed? cuz making yalls players spend ec on something thats not guaranteed is nuts. most of your players have jobs or school or frankly any other adult responsibility that prevents them from being on their phone 24/7 making getting anything good with these shitty ass drops before the event expires impossible. i get that yall are money hungry and greedy but this is downright absurd and i can't believe it's been radio silence on your end. i know you've seen the amount of bbbs that goes on in game and this is how you repay your players? by making them spend even more money? yall can't be that broke to continuously allow this
    Kain, LeeJarrett, Xennial and 6 others like this.
  13. Can we also acknowledge how x8 boost for 79ec for only TWO HOURS is batshit. That x8 does nothing for you if you’re not even getting candies every party either. You might make a couple hundred if you flash the full 2hrs and a couple hundred compared to the 6k it takes to make a bar or the thousands to get the decent furni is ridiculous. You could not even possibly squeeze the amount of parties you’d need for 6k into 2 hours.
  14. Ata greedier than Nintendo atp
  15. If ata doesn't respond or do something it solidifies that BF will be a 💩 show cash grab worse then this. Ata respond to ur community dont shoot urself in the foot so close to one of ur biggest events of the year where ppl intend to drop the most money. We aren't asking for hand outs we put in the work needed for these things.......but we are asking that u be fair from ur money spending players to ur free play players and allow everyone the opportunity to obtain exclusive content without giving up their real lives and all their money. Just up the drops to a more reasonable amount. We all know ur reading forum and seeing the backlash from this current decision.
  16. ATA pls this is not the time for a trick, we want treats. it’s time to log on 😭 and open up your eyeballs pls. We are over here complaining since changeover yesterday.

    I expect good compensation from you for this stunt, not a lite box and 1 dn
  17. Almost change over time again and nothing has been done. No answers. It truly feels like talking to a brick wall.

    I truly hope it was worth it, even if you do come back to your senses and fix it, to make all your community stressed, upset with you and feeling like you don’t care — more often than not it is what happens anyways, but oh well.

    The funniest part of it all is if you had just put the avi at whatever absurd cost you want in the store people would’ve bought it. But no, let’s create up this “all inclusive” idea for trick and treating and try to suck the most out of everyone: money and their time.
  18. Ngl you a lame for this.
    illibearz likes this.
  19. Thanks for providing a breakdown! I'm just wondering what 59 refers to
    Xennial, EmoEmmy and sweetietweetie like this.
  20. Fix the drop rate and make it more attainable than just gouging our pockets thanks.
    LeeJarrett, Xennial, Witchee and 3 others like this.