NEW FEATURE 🎁 Web Store Free Items! 🎁

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Jan 26, 2024.

  1. Why can’t I purchase a VIP subscription on the web store? The option is there but every time I put my info in it just says payment cancelled? 😭
    AkriaWayne likes this.
  2. Send a help ticket
  3. Contact Xsolla support. There should be an option to chat on the payment screen. I had to do that the other day; they had some extra security measures that they just removed for me after providing proof the card was mine. It took maybe half an hour and they were very helpful.
  4. Thanks was able to get the issue solved :)
    Muschi likes this.
  5. Glad to hear!
    Sail0rM00n likes this.
  6. Was having the same issue.
  7. is this ever coming back? there hasnt been a free item in the webstore for this whole hunt
  8. When are you going to follow through with this?
  9. They have done it a bunch of times already
  10. When are ppl from Germany are finally going to be able to purchase from webstore ???
    isamu likes this.
  11. there was a box yesterday in store
  12. Are you talking about molly or actually web store?
  13. When your country laws allow it
  14. We’re talking about the web store.
  15. What's the POTD?
  16. Why do noobs keep buying bigger accs when they dont even know how the game works yet
  17. Why theres no free item πŸ₯Ή
    isamu likes this.
  18. Prob cus ATA hates us

    (I’m kidding.)
    62cents and Nishiki like this.