Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Shanty, Jun 19, 2024.

  1. Hello ATA Devs, I know you guys are working so hard to make the game more useful, entertaining and easier for users to play.

    I've been thinking if you can can consider making the opening of speed up reward boxes a lot faster for us players. Because I find it a waste of time tapping on it over and over again. I hope you'll see this thread and review what you can do about it.

    - Love, Shanty 🩷
    mehhhhh, Ledger, blehbloh and 4 others like this.

  2. I suggest you'll make a certain parameter that will allow us to determine how many boxes we would like to open, or an option to open them all. This method can also be use at other boxes that you will be please to make changes with.

    I know this one will going to make a great contribution in making the game more convenient for us.
  3. I support tbh. Atp almost every active player has over a thousand speedup boxes and it's just so tedious to open them
  4. They have been working on this even tested ideas already. Something permanent is on its way. Just needa wait it out till they got it ready
  5. Wish you could trade/gift them. I used mine all up. I’d happily open your thousands of speed up boxes no complaints. 😭🥺
  6. Supporting this. I've been saying this for awhile now.
  7. This would extremely helpful for active players. I cannot imagine how long it would take me to open thousands of them individually. Or even releasing the gold, silver, bronze boxes more often