An apple a day keeps the DOCTOR away

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by CrimeFightinCactus, May 24, 2024.

  1. As a brudda that has millions of doctor notes

    That I don't even use

    I was thinking

    Why not make doctor notes giftable?

    We can gift em to da less fortunate

    What yall think brudda
    Eliza likes this.
  2. Immediate no.
    Kefo likes this.
  3. Just use them to flash potds. 🙂
  4. No, and they should reintroduce teh 2 dn/ day limit.
    But make it 3dns and 3ads
  5. Wont happen for the same reason gifting ec got removed
    Day and TheSagittarian like this.
  6. Stop holding them hostage and use them
    wakeuptoReality likes this.
  7. We’re holding doctors hostage?
  8. When the time is right my brudda

    Using doctor notes is a lot like pulling out, there is a science to it. You pull out too late and you're now carrying an 18 yr sentence, you use yo dn at da wrong time and it game ova
    Eliza likes this.