Dear ATA: no corporate pandering, i beg

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BadLittlePanda, May 13, 2024.

  1. Pride month incoming. Conservatives, you might wanna close your eyes for this one.

    So, ata... listen. I know you guys want to be inclusive. I know you want to raise the rainbow flag for the month it is socially expected and stand in solidarity with the follow queers. This post is sort of a heads up that your previous attempt with avatars (while cute) were pandering. You have, as politely as i can say it, a very shallow and vapid concept of the demographic youre trying to engage. Its giving cis female girl hyping up her gay male bestie and getting the ick around lesbians.

    As a fellow BLT community member, i dont speak on behalf of everyone but i do speak on behalf of a lot of people when i say we would rather do away with the very basic avatar wearing rainbow colours. Give us Maleficent. Give us Ursula. Give us avatars with the drama and depth of the villains that are idolised within the community. Id rather have an avatar looking like the babadook than some twink with rainbow pants.

    What im trying to say is, maybe give us things that we connect with as opposed to the corporate idea of what makes queer people happy.

    If yall want some visual ideas of what we would prefer, just say so.we want monsters and mayhem, not tired pandering.

    Pre halloween hunt mayhaps, question mark 👀

    Thank you for listening to my ted talk.
    Manic likes this.
  2. I really hope you understand that they create avatars/hunts MULTIPLE months in advance. This thread (unfortunately) won’t get you anywhere.

    Also, try commenting on the surveys when they send them out. They listen to their players’ opinions that way.
    Victoria likes this.
  3. as an invisible queer, i’ve always felt the pride avis were more for the people who don’t get the chance to have Queer be the forefront of their irl identity. to me pimd is like what you’d want to be in your irl and for whatever reason you can’t be. so them being casually queer like the folks you see at pride events made sense to me even if i couldnt relate.

    so to me, i never felt seen by the pride avis because the soft boys and the feminine yet powerfully butch women are who i see myself in, and i can find these in other hunts. like the main masc avi in the influencer hunt, or the side story femme in the same hunt. like the accidental diversity lolol

    idk if its just bc im straight passing and immersed in a lot of the Straight World that i feel this way, i’d be curious to see what other people think. i do think a campy hunt for pride month would be a lot of fun!! one avi i loved from last year was def the sword lesbian… she was the best one tbh
  4. i almost forgot about the dark dream lb femme with the mullet 🥹🥹 she was so gender. that’s that shit i like for me really
  5. What does this have to do with gender and sexuality acceptance? 👀
    You want Ursula, Scar, Maleficent, and Hades? Are you a Disney adult?
    Don't forget that this is a game about college.
    Avatars are meant to look like students who would realistically attend a college.

    Sure some of you might go to school in your full goth-up, but really? 💀

    The avatars so far have been fine!
  6. ursula’s character and design was based off a drag queen, and disneys hades’ character and design is typically seen as a gay man by the community. i think the general premise is that villains in kids tv (and older tv in general) tend to be queer-coded and younger queer folks tend to relate to them growing up before even knowing they’re queer.
  7. Yes, I'm aware of that.
    But if you're mtf/ftm, nb, etc. does that mean you wear dark clothes and have to be sarcastic, sassy, or irony-poisoned?

    Sexuality and gender are just your sexuality and gender. Just because the overall aesthetic used to be deviant and devious doesn't mean that that's what being BLT means today.
    Victoria likes this.
  8. What im ssying is 5+ years of regular people in rainbow is TIRED. i would actually just rather have regular non rainbow avatars because it just perpetuates this tired idea that the colours are where corporate inclusivity ends. We care abour stuff other than that maybe.
    Manic likes this.