Only ONE club Pres role??

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -_NightmareOnAmbsStreet_-, Apr 20, 2024.

  1. So, my rs and I share our club, and we're both presidents, bc we made club together. Yet, nobody seems to notice it and it's really annoying and not fair bc she deserves recognition as club Pres too. Like frfr, ATA should make a second Pres spot for just these situations. It's not fair. Idc if others don't agree, this is my opinion 🤷‍♀️👌What do y'all think?

    Love ya rs 🥰❤️
  2. Imagine you brokeup with your rs and she/he angrily disband the club.
    Thats y ATA don't give 2 prez spots in a club. Who know all ATA devs r married and they know there should be only one prezz....
  3. Good thing, but maybe have a decline or accept button for disbanding bc of that reason, and like the other Pres could decline the disband🤷‍♀️
  4. Once somebody suggested ATA to increase the number of club members, tho it was a great idea for BBB. There R multiple spots for club admins then it needs to cut a spot to add a spot for prezz.
  5. You could always put "co-prez" or something in your club tag
    Muschi likes this.
  6. Take turns being president. Your members should eventually figure it out.
    Muschi and Kefo like this.
  7. Thats not how it works. Even a 'co president' is just a vice president. Your online love fantasy is not enough of a reason to open up so many potential issues for the entire game
    Muschi likes this.
  8. Really? I use my alt as president so I don't accidently disband my club that I did once💀 make a noob you don't use president and keep you both as VPs. Who cares who's president? It does not matter.
    Muschi and V_Witchy_101 like this.
  9. Just make her vice president, problem solve
    Muschi likes this.
  10. Good comment, May.
    I see this in many top clubs! A random alt that's rarely accessed is the president.

    Having one executive at the top with the ultimate power is important, and that executive is only used in an extremely limited and regimented capacity.
    This is how Linux servers operate as well. There's only one root.

    Having more than one is just reckless and a massive vulnerability.

    You should both be VP's... And Act as presidents. Your actual club rank doesn't matter if you command your crew well.
    Muschi likes this.
  11. I'm gonna expand on the "For Two Club Pres".

    If it should happen and disbanding club should occur, accidental or otherwise, it would make sense for both Club Pres to approve the disband, rather than it only taking one to disband.

    Other than that, One Club Pres is fine for now, but you never know. I sure don't anymore.
    Muschi likes this.