Help Needed

Discussion in 'Wars' started by AceOfSpades, Mar 22, 2024.

  1. hey everyone there is a guy on pimd called Ra who is targeting people for there stat items but instead of asking for them he is attacking and harassing people can you all please attack him or make him stop as this is becoming unacceptable we have done nothing wrong to deserve this and he needs to be stopped so does his rs
  2. Now you’ve met Ray ……. That’s how he has always played.
    Kefo, Dreams, SewerRat and 2 others like this.
  3. PvP is a normal function of the game. It is not harassment to hit players and ask for their stats in return. What you did to 'deserve' this was download a PvP game.
  4. trust me what he is doing is an harassment we hardly know him he’s targeting random people and constantly attacking them for saying no cause he should of asked first for a stat item hes being a bully towards people i know what pvp is and what he is doing isn’t acceptable
  5. the thing is tho he needs to stop idc who he is what he is doing isnt acceptable idc if he wants to grow but he should be told to stop harassing and to learn to ask first then maybe he would actually stand a chance of getting shit
  6. Its ok to not understand. You are a noob. But you will learn. This is very basic pvp function. People pvp. And the price to have them stop is stat items. Thats how the game works.

    Dont believe the people here trying to tell you? Look at the other many thousands of posts like yours here on forums spanning many years.

    Pvp is not harassment.
    It is a basic function of the game.

    If you dont like pvp then uninstall and dont download pvp games
  7. you still dont understand what im trying to say he is HARASSING plus attacking im not a noob ffs iv had this game for over 5 years i just lost my other account im trying to get myself back up to were i was before and i cant cause the prick wont leave me tf alone i blocked him then he started attacking me for blocking him then he threatened with stat item cause he thought i was someone else if this prick doesnt stop im just gunna end up making loads of people attack him instead
  8. Farming you is not harassment. Its pvp. Im very aware you are using a alt. But you are still very clearly a noob.

    Stop moaning about it and suck it up.
    Hit back.
    Or uninstall.

    Those are your options.
    Pvp is not harassment.
    Players arnt gonna go running around after you just coz you are sensitive. Especially not towards a well known player of the game
  9. What you are describing is not harassment. Either he's doing something that you're not saying that actually is harassment, or you're mistaking you and others getting annoyed about being hit as harassment. But so far everything you're describing is not harassment and is how you play PIMD. It's okay to not like how the game works. You don't have to play it.
    LeeJarrett, V_Witchy_101 and Dreams like this.
  10. ❤️
    TheSagittarian and Muschi like this.
  11. If you've been around for 5 years, then you should know that farming is part of the game.

    You should be lucky that you haven't posted this in the old days, because if you did, then a lot more people would join in hitting you.

    If you wanna escalate the issue, then I won't have a problem helping Ray.

    Either deal with it yourself or ceasefire and give him what he wants. Making a thread about it isn't the answer.
  12. ^^^^^^
  13. Hi OP,

    All of the comments above are partially true.

    PvP is a normal and expected part of the game. SFW is as well.

    If the player farming you is verbally threatening you or saying derogatory things on a public channel, send me a message and I’ll check it out. But just PvP hits are not harassment.
  14. I 💯 get the PVP side. I’ve dealt with Ray myself. Same thing. Give him what he wants or deal with the hits. Simple as that. BUT there is a line when it comes to harassment. When someone is hitting someone just because they have a similar ign as someone else and hits them over 150x daily non stop over and over and over for weeks then that’s a bit much. There’s zero chance to even play or grow. Especially when they won’t add that person or tell talk to them. They don’t want anything. No CF. They just want to hit and make them leave the game. That IS their purpose. To make their life so miserable that they run this person (and already 3 others) out of the game because they aim for new accounts under 800kcs. It’s sick and THATS not acceptable. But ofc no one does anything about it
  15. In that case you can contact a mod or send a help ticket. They have to offer a cf
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  16. Not necessarily, pvp is a part of the game there is no rule that a cf is mandatory
    TheSagittarian likes this.
  17. I'm looking to buy a story pass please wmis
  18. Thort i saw ata mention it somewhere but all good
    V_Witchy_101 likes this.
  19. I thought that a cf offer was mandatory as well. Good to know it isn’t, honestly? Are we safe to go forward with not offering cf terms? (I think I’ll screenshot this for my own protection lol.)
    Victoria likes this.
  20. So ……. I never saw a definitive answer on this one? Are we required to offer cf terms? I was pretty sure we were but Leigh says there’s no rule?