LIMITED-TIME CONTENT St. Patricks' 3x Promo, Invite Parties, and Avatars!

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Mar 7, 2023.

  1. I'm happy to see the old avis from parties cause I still haven't gotten the the one I want since it was first introduced

    But one thing I'd like to say is I think the community would have appreciated a 1 week Irish hunt opposed to a 3 week filler hunt with only a few Irish things sprinkled in.
  2. Where? I don’t see it in mollys
  3. Mollys
  4. Look harder
  5. How are you supposed to get more 4 leaf clovers? I got one from the store and i don't know how to obtain more
  6. It literally said on the free 1 where to get the rest
  8. Hey Folks!
    As some folks do not have access to the Web Store in their area, we'll be adding an additional offer in Molly's Deals to collect that third shamrock so they don't miss out! This should be out later today.

    Additionally we'll be extending the length of the Paddy Bear Stat Item Deal, to give folks more time to collect it!

    Sorry about that, didn't mean to exclude anyone!
  10. i need st. patrick's day hunt including new boxes, stats, and avis asapπŸ™ƒ
  11. Thanks ATA! Yeah, thanks for tricking me into buying a clover so I could buy the Paddy Bear, and then making it impossible for me to obtain it by removing the ability to buy the 3rd one from the web store. Great job, greed fiends
  12. Hey,
    You should still be able to acquire all 3.
    We extended it by a day and just added the same deal from the webstore into the game as well for folks that couldn't access the webstore.

    If you are still having trouble please send in a help ticket and we can take a look and help you out.
    Muschi likes this.
  13. I was able to buy it in Molly's Corner, but I fail to see it's availability on the Web Store. Thank you anyway.
  14. Sent a help ticket for the last one, was told it's not available anymore.
  15. πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘„πŸ‘οΈ
    Suriel likes this.
  16. Hello so does 3x promo is currently happening now of later?
  17. Because it doesn't seem to be happening for me at the moment
  18. This promo was for last year.
  19. Thank you, i've just realized that this post was last year too πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
  20. Guess you weren't around back in the day when they'd repeat the same hunt at least once a year.. Was more helpful back then though because drops were harder to get and hunts weren't constant, so if you missed out the first time it'd count towards your previous progress.