NEW CONTENT Live Fabulously Remastered!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, Jan 24, 2024.

  1. it’s like they read forums but simply just don’t care because all they see are 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
    Charpagne, Kakashi, Curvy and 2 others like this.
  2. Thanks for the math and I totally agree with the frustration, while I disagree with the idea of upgradeable avatars. I don't understand why implenent an entirely new ratio for these new avatars.

    I don't see anything wrong with the previous ratio employed with the bills and their avatars; it feels like the other avatars were more obtainable compared to these and yet I swead I've only seen like maybe 2 or 3 people ever have any of them equipped (although they can be purchased without being equipped of course). Why make these avatars even harder to obtain? I understand they have a power creep on them but I don't think I've ever seen such a drastic change for merely a 5%/5% increase.
    Miso, Amarilove, marly_marls and 2 others like this.
  3. This is a big frustration. Please fix:
    • iOS 17 keyboard integration
    • Flash club notification lag (or remove the need to wait for it before using vehicles entirely)
    • When posting ca, or sending a dm, or sometimes in club chat, the message refuses to send. It works second time.
    • Loading a profile off spotlight lb gives a blank message some times
    • When hitting someone, the second hit fails with an error related it item activation
    Thank you for fixing the black text on black background for iOS though!
    Macey, Carolina, Miso and 13 others like this.
  4. Of all the wonderful 95/95 you have made. It had to be the literal most ugly one you've had in a year.
    _HeIium_ likes this.
  5. Let us please exchange our crown of bills instead of the other way around. If you want people to use the crown of bills make new Avis for them. You did recolored silver crown Avis. This whole this is a hard pass for me.
    -xJoonie likes this.
  6. The Live Fabulously avis are both lovely and impossible to attain. The event should be called Die Broke.
    Jona, Yuma, Amarilove and 4 others like this.
  7. The way this did not do what they thought it would do 😭😭😭 everyone hates it ijbol
    Yuma, Amarilove, DrBearz and 2 others like this.
  8. Pimd sucha scam now poor thing, bring the old time back sksk
    Yuma, DrBearz and Victoria like this.

  9. This^^^
    Frieren likes this.
  10. It's cheaper to just settle for a 95/95 shard avi 🤣🤣🤣
    DrBearz, Victoria, Curvy and 3 others like this.
  11. Thanks for getting us back the vip lounge.

    But I want to state my opinion on 100/100 Avis. I know a lot of people who have worked really hard on getting Crown Avis. And they did t10 exactly for percentage, not to show off that they have Avis. What is the point now in t10ing rn? For different Avis and 999 which half of t10 sell for bentos later? Honestly, disappointing. As a person, who did t2 for first part of invites for 4oj, a personally hard starry hunt with around 50 flashes in one day on weekends - that makes me not want to t10 again.
    What I can suggest here not to offend people who already got t10 crown Avis or want to get them (imagine how people who t10 last hunt got last crowns to get the avi and then this update comes, how do they feel right now? I would be personally destroyed) new type of crown Avis with new drawings - for those who have them - let them a free change. Make it 110/110 for example. Because otherwise the t10 competition might just die at this point. that’s not only my opinion and I was asked to put it here. thanks in advance if you take it into consideration.
    EmoEmmy, Amarilove, Charpagne and 8 others like this.
  12. Okay just gonna say, pimd has 3,7 stars on PlayStore... In case anyone that dissapointed wanna make it lowwwer 🚶‍♂️
    DrBearz likes this.
  13. I'm confused! You can't have the VIP+ avis (100%/100%) without having the new flower crowns?
  14. Can you still get the shard (100%/100%) avi without the crowns, right? 👀
  15. Yes. You just need the non-VIP and regular VIP versions of it first. The shards and the crowns are entirely separate.
    Amarilove likes this.
  16. ATA wyd 🫠 i'm a lil upset i can't trade my crown of bills for the new flower crowns. i waited for new content because the crown of bills avis are honest to hell ugly to me, so changing that completely? lmfao i feel like 💩 and thanks but i don't need anymore milky way lite boxes... for all the money i spent, lemme at least trade for a dn 💀

    the 100/100 avis are cool... but you're shitting on the 98/98 avi people worked their asses off to t10 for. i only went t10 once and the effort needed is astonishing. so to do it 13 times, spend a ludicrous amount (because who is t10 and not spending?) AND not get the strongest avi because it's locked behind a bigger cash grab? y'all are losing me fr. 💀
    No, insatiablevixen_, labebe and 11 others like this.
  17. This is probably the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen from this app… & I think that’s saying something tbh
  18. Girls wall me bra size and pantie colour and drop $6k for an extra 5% whilst fucking over all those who put the time, money and effort into obtaining the 98%
  19. L move from ATA. No wonder why people are losing interest in the game.
    Curvy and Megan like this.