Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. It’s random what the capsules give but if you need specifics to level up pets I’d recommend looking at this guide to pets
    Muschi likes this.
  2. What is estimated time to recover old account?
  3. what is estimated time to recover old account
  4. 10mins if you give enough info. From when they see your ticket and respond
    Muschi likes this.
  5. Keep in mind that it is a major holiday, which generally means slower response time as staff members deserve to enjoy their holidays as well.
  6. Where can I see the total XC (extracurricular) coins I have available?
  7. Your showcase
    Muschi likes this.
  8. ^ This. You can use the search function to locate them quicker! @holographicaqua
  9. How long will the Creative on Campus avatar be in the XC shop part of the app’s store? Asking for another player.
  10. They not long got added so should be there a while
  11. When did they get added and how long are they usually there for? When do you think they’ll stop selling them?
  12. Whenever they decide to add more. Idk its a fairly new thing only been there a couple months. Ata probly doesnt even know when they gonna update them yet
  13. What's price for jets?
    rose46235 likes this.
  14. Usually around 20/25b but I’ve seen for as low as 15b since they were in the new story pass
    __Harmonie__ and Muschi like this.
  15. The avatars in there have been the same since Daily XCs release. I don't foresee them changing them anytime soon, at least not without a warning.
    Leigh likes this.
  16. Anyone please share amp prices.
  17. What's going on with avatar store or just changing Avis? It keeps kicking me off?
  18. Ata has put out MANY notifications about scheduled maintenance coming up for store and forums. Including on start up of the game that you have to tap continue on to get to the game
    Muschi and rose46235 like this.
  19. Why havent been able to stop obvious cheaters in rate my room, 5 of current top 6 are all from the club permtastic, and 2 sets of same, one 5 pc starter, one full dorm, neither match theme. Its ridiculous