Pimd War System???

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Thorbin, Nov 26, 2023.


Should ATA create a War system in Pimd?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. To those war lovers, I think that ATA should start creating a War system in Pimd like on KAW (Kingdom At War) but better and improve war system to spice things up a little in the game just like the old days.
    So how about it? 🤔
  2. Copy pasting my answer here on this duplicate thread, no shame.

    Not a bad idea, in theory. With the current state of the game, it's not very feasible and wouldn't be worth their time as most of the player base prefer parties.

    Inb4 lock still 🌚
  3. More and more people are coming on that hate pvp. Ata have been slowly moving away from it with this game as well probly coz of that. This is advertised as a rp game which doesnt help things
  4. Yeah I posted the same cause someone told me to post it on war thread
  5. The game was originally a war game and not much on parties since you used to farm someone to get cash 😂
  6. That was like 8-12yrs ago. Them same people are middle aged adults now. Times have changed
  7. Damn. I caught a stray bullet. 😬
  8. sir… please define middle aged xD
    Victoria likes this.
  9. Well google is stupid and i would call that further beyond middle aged especially when most people die in 60s-70s