LIMITED-TIME CONTENT šŸŽStyle Swap - Tradable AvatarsšŸ¤

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Nov 9, 2023.

  1. Being able to get dupes is ridiculous for the prices these boxes cost. Bought 4. I got 1 female and 3exact same maleā€¦. Like wdf?
    Victoria, Gir, stay_bubbly-x and 16 others like this.
  2. Avis should NEVER be made giftable or tradeable between players. Making that an option is gonna open you up to get farmed for your Avis. Is that something you all want?
    Rosalia likes this.
  3. That would be against ToU since these avatars are of EC value, and thus you'd be able to report the player.
    Gir, Reee, Demux and 9 others like this.
  4. These are so expensive.. yā€™all must really want to retire early šŸ™ƒ Iā€™m so in love yet Iā€™m not sure if I can justify 5-6hrs of work for one avi that I canā€™t even pick .. insane price increase whereā€™s the sale for bf
    Gir, Zentreya, Tethys and 5 others like this.
  5. ATA. Honey. No.
    Di, Dolcezza and Espacio like this.
  6. That is these current Avis, the players I quoted are talking about Avis they already own. So NON EC bought Avis
    Zentreya likes this.
  7. All avatars have EC *values* and are still subject to the rule, just like furniture which is mostly earned through boxes and not directly bought.
  8. I respect your opinion and totally see where youā€™re coming from, they do have pretty basic poses
    But I think their faces/makeup look fantastic šŸ¤©šŸ¤©
    And their body proportions are great
    The clothes are super trendy & detailed
  9. For that price we should at least be able to pick the one we want šŸ’€
    Gir, Dipper, Jynx and 9 others like this.
  10. Yoooooooo ATAā€¦ this price is ridiculousā€¦.
    Gir and Zentreya like this.
  11. Not illiterate at all. Too many numbers. Hhaha
    62cents likes this.
  12. how would you get farmed if itā€™s a normal trade like we already haveā€¦.?
    Zentreya, Muschi and Choice like this.
  13. yeah that makes no sense

    and CF for ec items is against TOU so wouldnā€™t happen anyways
    Gir, Macey, Muschi and 1 other person like this.
  14. thatā€™s why I wanted multis enforced and banned - every market is broken when joe shmoe can have 32 accounts and thousands of bentos or stats ??

    they wonā€™t enforce it or make it a rule, the extra email thing only hurts lazy people who didnā€™t want to make emails - but the people profiting (reselling etc) will just make another email

    not like they read forums anyways tho lol
    Gossamer, Zentreya and Muschi like this.
  15. makes no sense, and 40$ each?? like get out of here with that nonsense
    Gir, stay_bubbly-x, Zentreya and 4 others like this.
  16. What a money grab, we asked for tradeable not to be conned into buying the same thing 5x.
    Gir, Reee, Zentreya and 2 others like this.
  17. to the person that made these .. i want to kiss you. these are absolutely gorgeous šŸ„“šŸ’— to the person that priced these.. šŸš®

    šŸ˜’ give us some good deals ty
    Gir, stay_bubbly-x and Ev like this.
  18. What are u talking??? With that reasoning you could be farmed for any tradable items in the game tf. Yes we all want tradable avatars no we don't wanna pay 40$ for it. This is a robbery šŸ«°šŸ„ŗ
    stay_bubbly-x and Demux like this.
  19. You said that and I totally felt that. That's hours of work and for what 2d pictures on a screen that doesn't even move like come on nowšŸ˜Ŗ
    GoldenBlood likes this.
  20. That's what the players do šŸ˜±. It makes sense tho