If money is da root of all evil, lemme plant sum trees

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Oct 27, 2023.

  1. Currency




    Since the dawn of time
    Humans have used some sort of trading system for goods,

    Money has moved nations

    It has fueled wars,

    it has driven us in this day and age

    Without it , we sink to despair

    Money Money Money

    Who doesn't want more???

    Which brings me to the point.


    luciddreams17 likes this.
  2. Thank you but no
    renamed34360 and Atlas like this.
  3. What do you suggest? And how do you plan on getting people to want to use it instead of chibis and bentos.

    It is the players who adopted chibis and bentos as the trading currency, ata had no involvement in the decision
    renamed34360 likes this.
  4. It's gonna happen, accept it
    luciddreams17 likes this.
  5. I'm not talking about chibis and bento I'm talking another form of cash
    luciddreams17 likes this.
  6. The love of money is the root of all evil, and sorry, no support for yet another currency that you don't even have an idea for. If you're going to pitch something, you have to have an example to back it up.
    renamed34360 and Atlas like this.
  7. Again. What do you suggest?

    How will it work?
    What will happen to the cash?

    If you want something changed you gotta give details on what you want. If you cant anser the 3 basic questions then you clearly dont care about it either and this entire post is pointless
    RoseMilkTea and renamed34360 like this.
  8. I feel that we should start using "pep" as currency too because if there's no use of it then why ata have included them in game.
    1. Even after getting them from spinner there's no use of them.
    2. It will increase the buying and selling of furni.
    Now at the end it all depends on the players who are regulating and playing the game.
    ( That's my personal opinion 🙏)
    CrimeFightinCactus likes this.
  9. They are a stat item. Same with chibis and bentos. They are all tecnicly just stats.

    But if they are of no use to you im happy to take them in
  10. Hello, I have returned to say:

    But gold and silver
    renamed34360 likes this.
  11. Wouldn't that make love the root of all evil
    luciddreams17 likes this.
  12. But no one buys it so it's of no use to be consider them as Stat
  13. So then give them to me and i will give them a home
    RoseMilkTea likes this.
  14. I belive that the main aim of this form is to find a new currencyđź’°

    If there's any pep sellers / buyers in exchange of furniture ( vice versa ) then we should create another FORM where they can post and atleast we can make use of it.đź’«

    And if you are not in favor of another currency. Then that's fine there's a lot chibi and bento sellers.
  15. As always, you’re a gem.
  16. I don’t support this idea. I think things are fine as they are. I wish I could get some more crabs though. I love those suckers. On one of my old accounts, I had about 500 of them if my memory serves me correctly. (It was around a decade ago, so I could be wrong.)
  17. Na we need da monies