Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. I'm looking for rs.
    I am, 24yo, from east Europe, male.
    You:female, 18-45yo, I would prefer Europe or Asia bcs of the time zone.
    Not just for stats.
    We have to agree on some stuff from start, I don't want a 1 week rs.
    Don't want broken ones that are still talking with their exes,
  2. Heya, I'm looking for long-term RS coz perm is hard to find 🤌

    Tid bit description bout me
    🔹️30 yo
    🔹️Stat 150Mcs +
    🔹️SGT tz
    🔹️Max gifts
    🔹️SFW friendly (partially I guess)
    🔹️Not very talkative

    RS requirement
    🔹️Any gender
    🔹️Max gifts
    🔹️Able to take hits

    I can I askout, maybe 🙆‍♀️
  3. 🫧🩵Looking for an Rs🩵🫧
    I’m a 23 yr old girly who just wants someone to trade gifts with! Maybe match pet names or status’ but mainly platonic 🩵🫧
    15mcs+ please and thank you!
    I’m decently active but would love someone to play on steam or discord vc with and I’m up late af! PST ofc… I’m not gonna lie I’m a very Californian girl
    Gift me with a heart and bubbles emoji so I can add you back and maybe we can be friends too!!
    Will ask out
  4. Found one 💜
    QueenOfSorrows and Toxic like this.
  5. ❤❤Still Looking ❤❤
  7. Looking For Rs
    About Me
    💙 22 M
    💚 56mcs
    💛I gift, spoil as best as I can!
    I don't have an ASK OUT and ecs broke 😐
    Looking For:
    👉🏻 No Sfw
    👉🏻 Female 18+
    👉🏻Around my stats
    👉🏻Will spoil in return!
    👉🏻Chatty and Talkative
    👉🏻 Have Ask Out
    Gift me or Add me to talk and let's if we vibe

  8. My stats: 76k and growing rapidly as I'm in an EC club constantly and flashing

    Min stat: mine or higher, preferably someone who isn't gonna be weird as I need it to be stat only (I have a man). Would be cool if we could just be friends on game and maybe flash/hop together but doesn't have to be that way.

    I have ask out❤️ also not picky about gender but you do need to be actively growing unless your significantly higher stat then I am. Then once I catch up, we can grow together.
  9. Looking For Rs

    About me:
    • 24F
    • Sfw Friendly
    • Can max gifts 1:1(can do ecs gifts too)
    • 263Mcs
    • Can ask out
    Looking for:
    • Idc about gender/age
    • Sfw friendly
    • Must 1:1 hunt gifts
    • 200mcs+
    Gift/wall if interested
  10. Still looking
  11. RS found 🩷
  12. In need of a STATS RS

    -I am 30f (gender fluid, I use both pronouns)
    -I’m like..: 74 almost 75mcs
    -I’m in and out often (of activeness) looking for a reason to be/stay active,
    -I don’t mind SFW but since I’m on and off a lot rn I don’t prefer it.

    You -
    -30mcs or higher (you ask) if higher than me I will ask.
    -be friendly please! I like to talk to my RS


    -Color names are appreciated in return (I do them often)
    -I like EC clubs and flashes I have been known to pay for my RS

    Wall or gift me in interested
  13. I'm 30+ Male From Pakistan 90+ mcs, don't have askout,
    Looking for
    Female relationship any stat higher same or lower Nevermind add me and setup the rs rules ✌️😉
  14. ☢️Looking for perm/long term rs☢️
    About me:
    Semi- active (looking for a reason to stay active)
    Very talkative and play other games
    I go to flashes and ec clubs so maybe we can book together sometimes🥰
    Don’t have askout

    Any gender(male preferably)

    We can do color dates and matching names if you’d like
    Someone I can be comfortable with.
    ~With askout

    Wm/ Gift If Interested
  15. LOOKING For Male Rs
    About me
    29 Canada
    No Ask out!

    Looking for around my stats. Active , Exchanges/ Max gifts and Talk once in awhile. Can be more if we connect. Otherwise fine with Stats. Send gift to start a conversation.
  16. Looking For Rs

    About me:
    • 34F
    • Sfw Friendly / Non sfw
    • Can max gifts 1:1
    • Talkative and a good listener
    • I can spoil but it work both ways
    • 38 Mcs

    Looking for:
    • Male rs
    • Sfw friendly, prefer non sfw
    • 1:1 hunt gifts
    • Active and can be a good friend
    • No RP
    • Age 30+
    • +/- Around my stats
    • Can ask out or lets wait till Valentine's event

    Gift/wall if interested. Thank you
  17. Still looking 👀
    • Your Stats 23.1mcs
    • The minimum stats you want your RS partner to have. 15mcs+
    • Whether or not you are willing to "ask out." If you could ask that’d be great ☺️
    • Male or Female
    • 1:1 hunt gifts
    • Gift me w/ a “🌙” if interested or have any questions
    -Cosmic__Pisces- likes this.
  18. Still looking 👀
  19. 🖤Looking for a friend🖤
    Shes 32mc
    Looking for female rs
    Shes a lesbo/lipstick
    Loves rock goth
    Loves anime
    Maxs gifts,dates
    -Cosmic__Pisces- likes this.