For those who don't trust bitcoin

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CervicalSpear, Oct 13, 2023.

  1. Silver is the way to go if the war expands
  2. Emergency rations and medicine too
  3. Idk about that unless u mean for personal consumption
  4. Yes, for personal consumption. I suppose I could've been more specific 🌚
  5. Bottle caps new currency
    BadLittlePanda likes this.
  6. Lol that is comical

    I mean bitcoin has and will always be a scam
    especially to try and trick people or exploit the poor

    Silver? Silver and gold are a scam too
  7. This isn't about currency, it's about protecting and growing your money
  8. Just calling something scam is easy. I can just say that your birth was a scam, but unless I back it up with reasoning, it's baseless and doesn't hold any ground.
  9. I will protect my bottlecaps with my life
  10. Joke all u want, but with the war expanding, your dollars are gonna lose value rapidly. Also, with the war expanding, the demand for silver is gonna sky rocket. Wait till Iran joins in
  11. Joking aside, I think you're fearmongering. I don't think anything more than a proxy war will happen, and if that does the most that will impact me is a raise in oil prices (aka gasoline). That's nothing that hasn't occurred before. I don't think anything drastically worse will happen financially than what happened during the Arab Spring.
  12. How am I fear mongering? I'm just presenting my view on which asset is going to do well in the near future. I know it's a proxy war and a false flag blah blah, but it doesn't end here, we are going to see crisis after crisis after crisis, we will see currency wars, etc. Well its gonna be very vast if I start touching those topics so ill stick to silver for now.

    The central bankers will need this war to expand in order to massively inflate the supply of currency by issuing more debts to the Governments, and they will make sure it expands or at least lasts for a long time. Now, the longer the war lasts, the more weapons will be needed, and given the shortage of copper around the globe, silver serves as the perfect replacement for the defense industry. Hence the demand for silver will soar.

    The American people are gonna be hit the worst btw, when the depolarization picks steam and Petro dollar dies. All the inflation y'all have exported over the years is going to come back to y'all and haunt u.
  13. [​IMG]
    eileen likes this.
  14. Oh yes start a discussion and run away from it, very mature
  15. [​IMG]
    eileen and Astra- like this.
  16. I give it ground. It's a scam. Proof? Someone said it bro.
  17. Up 31% in 7 months.