An Eggtacular Costume Contest

Discussion in 'Contests' started by renamed52415, Oct 1, 2023.

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  1. [​IMG]
    Trick-Or-Treat! An Eggtacular Costume Contest: Horrified Eggs Edition!

    Boo! šŸ‘» Itā€™s time for some spooky frights once againā€¦ with a side of everyone's favorite egg celebration, World Egg Day! šŸ‘»šŸ„ššŸ‘» Eggs and Ghosts are basically cousins anywaysā€¦

    For this contest you will be recreating your favorite character from a horror/thriller movie, comic, book, etc. On an egg of course! You can use ANY medium your eggcellent mind can think of; digital art, painting, or even a real egg! Once you have your eggy character created just post them to the reply section below. Read the rules and help sections for more information and guidelines on the contest!

    Make sure to read all the rules!

    - Your submission must include a picture of one or more egg characters.

    - Each submission must include a handwritten IGN on a separate piece of paper to the side of your egg characters.

    - If using digital art, your submission must include proof of art such as; layers or a time lapse of the piece. A handwritten IGN somewhere on the artwork is required.

    - If your submission includes blood/gore/clowns/overly scary content, etc. it MUST include a trigger warning and be inside a spoiler.
    * To post your submission in a spoiler, tap the plus (+) button and then tap spoiler, you can include the trigger warning in the spoiler title then hit continue.

    - All submissions must be posted to this thread using Imgur before or on the due date. Any late submissions will not count.

    - One submission per person, no alts.

    - If anyone has trouble using Imgur or including a spoiler, contact the help team. Find the list of IGNs below.

    - You must inform someone from the help team of any IGN changes. If they are not informed you may not receive prizes.

    - Do not spam the Help Team or harass our Judge Team.

    - Any violations of these rules will disqualify your submission!

    Help Section: Imgur
    - Download Imgur from any AppStore.
    - Upload your recreation to Imgur
    - Once posted, HOLD down on the post until a pop up appears.
    - Click, ā€œCopy post link.ā€
    - In your forum reply section, click the landscape/image button.
    - Paste your link, make sure the link of your image ends in ā€œ.JPGā€ and then click insert.

    You should see the image display before posting, if you do not then youā€™ve done the following steps INCORRECTLY.

    * Please contact IGN Egg for help with Imgur, or contact IGN Delight for alternative methods. Do not spam either of them for help, they will help everyone who needs it when they can. ā¤ļø

    Help Section: Egg Characters
    Your horror/thriller egg character must be on an eggā€¦ imagine Chucky on an egg. You can draw your character, paint it, use a real egg or digital art. Your imagination is the limit! Just have fun with your characters. If you need clarification please contact IGN Egg. Do not spam Egg, she will help everyone who needs it when she cans. ā¤ļø

    Help Section: Spoilers
    We are asking you to post your submissions if they contain gore/blood/clowns etc. in a spoiler and to add a trigger warning.
    - To post your submission in a spoiler, tap the plus (+) and tap spoiler.
    - You can include the trigger warning in the spoiler title then hit continue
    - In the middle of the spoiler tags click the image/landscape then insert your URL.

    * If anyone requires additional help please contact IGN Egg or the rest of the help team. Help team IGNs can be found below.


    November 1st, 3PM EST

    Make sure to have your submission posted in the reply section by or before the deadline! Refer to the rules for more information.

    Prizes (What you all are really here forā€¦ shh we know! Check out these prizes <3)


    1st) 3 Mod Crates from our mods plus the stat item Dino Egg Candle from IGN Egg

    2nd) 2 Mod Crates from our mods plus two Pumpkin Deviled Eggs from IGN Egg

    3rd) 1 Mod Crate from our mods plus one Pumpkin Deviled Eggs from IGN Egg

    Judge Team
    (This is our judge team who will be looking over every submission! If youā€™re looking for IGNs from the help team please skip this list and go to the next.)



    Judges have a choice to pick personal favorites as well, so additional prizes may be given out šŸ˜‰

    Help Team
    You may contact any IGN on this list for help regarding the contest, do not spam anyone on this list- they will reply in a timely manner <3


    Last but not least, our amazing promo team! If you see any of these IGNS running around in Wc, pub, walls, ANYWHERE! They are doing an amazing job posting banners about this eggcellent contest.

    As always our team will judge each submission with no prejudiceā€¦ even if your eggs scare the living daylight out of some of us! Anyone and everyone is welcome to enter this contest as long as they follow the rules and do not harass our teams. Thank you all for entering this contest, we look forward to seeing your characters! Have an amazing World Egg Day and Halloweenā€¦ btw what is the egg to candy ratio? Eat one egg for every ten pieces of candy ate? They kind of balance each other out so you can eat another ten pieces of candy with zero guilt.. Duh. Right?

    A special thank you to my lovely team, I would literally crash and burn on these contests so hard if it werenā€™t for their support. Thank you to Hoella, who has become my co-host in these contests- she helps keep everything organized! I adore each and every one of you!
    #1 renamed52415, Oct 1, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2023
    Di, Psychotic, zaea and 31 others like this.
  2. So if any of you came super early and saw all my wonky spoilersā€¦ no you didnā€™t okay? Anyways, find the judge examples down below.
    Psyche, Pandabear206, Ice and 3 others like this.
  3. [​IMG]




    Psychotic, Psyche, Dollgutz and 5 others like this.
  4. If you see the random 1. They are there to stay unless they are gone. This forum post has went so wonky today guys!
    Nyctophile_J likes this.
  5. Ooo this is awesome! Getting to work on my submission now! šŸ„¹
    renamed52415 likes this.
  6. ahaha, i saw them but my lips are sealed šŸ¤
  8. Love the egg contest šŸ˜Œ
  9. Hey guys! Thanks for much for the positive feedback, please note that I do not tolerate any harassment to my team over these contests.
    Psyche and Loch_NESS_Monster like this.
  10. So excited to see all the Egglloween designs!

    Hello! Thank you for entering in our Eggtacular contest! Unfortunately, for this submission to count, youā€™ll need to have the following:
    • Proof of your art process such as time lapse or layers
    • Handwritten Ign in your art
    • Your art behind a spoiler
    renamed52415 likes this.
  11. Gudetama x Jason ā™”

  12. [​IMG]
    Psychotic and renamed52415 like this.
  13. renamed52415 and MayaTheHopeful like this.
  14. One more try or I quit

    Love this idea!! Can't wait to see every idea!

    I do hope this works this time šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


    Psychotic, Psyche, GhostlyHoe and 9 others like this.
  15. I made an anime-egg art from jujutsu kaisen anime and solo leveling manga. This is a tribute to gojo šŸ„ŗā¤ļø

  16. I made an anime-egg art from jujutsu kaisen anime and solo leveling manga. This is a tribute to gojo šŸ„ŗ
    Psychotic, unnie and renamed52415 like this.
  17. I made an anime-egg art from jujutsu kaisen anime and solo leveling manga. This is a tribute to gojošŸ„ŗ
    Psyche, wrek, Miso and 15 others like this.
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