Looking for RS

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Rocco1120, Jul 22, 2023.

  1. U should have an askout
    Looking for rs perm active bit good Stat not much requirements here share me ur requirements add will talk everything in pms
  2. Also let people know that they got a rs
  3. hi ! Iam looking for female game partner .I don't mind stats just be friendly and helpful .
    Max cash gifts .Lil bit of talk
    Any time zone is fine .wall or add to have a convo before rs thanks 👍
  4. Dear all,

    I'm 33 MCS here, Looking for a active in-game Stat Rs who can askout. Prefably someone who's near about the same stats or higher.

    Got no problems with maxing eachother every hunt.

    Do Gift or wall if interested. Thanks!