Shard prices Vip avi items (female/male) Black and Pink Roses: 15-25c/ Black and Gold Roses: 10-20c Fuchsia Knot: 5-10c/ Indigo Knot l: 5c Amethyst Peachicks: 10-15c/ Beryl Peachicks l: 5-7c Dear Skull: 20c-1b/ Stag Skull l: 15c-1b Cup of Sweetness: 5-7c/ Cup of Yummy: 5c Pink Cloud: 2b/ Violet Cloud: 20c Fuchsia Mask: 12-15c/ Domino Mask: 10-12c Golden Anchor: 8-15c/ Silver Anchor: 7-10c Purple Ouroboros: 12-15c/ Green Ouroboros: 7-12c Red Toadstool: 5-7c/ Blue Toadstool: 5-7c Blue flip Phone: 10-12c/ Red flip Phone: 7-10c Single Red Rose: 15-20c/ Single Blue Rose: 8-10c Green Coconut: 20c/ Brown Coconut: 10c Pink Sunglasses: 12-15c/ Green Sunglasses: 10c Party Heel: 10-12c/ Dress Shoe: 10c Cocoon: 1-2b/ Egg: 20c Other avi items Zodiacs: 80-100:1b Capri/Libra: 40:1b Greek most 300-400:1b/ Instant: 2-3b Dionysus/Aphro: 100-150:1b Most Birthstones: 400:1b Pearl/Opal/Diamond/Sapphire instant: 3b Most Tarots: 400:1b Lover/Death/Moon instant: 2-3b Most Marbles: 300-400:1b Venus/Mercury: 150-200:1b Ghostly wallet/ Flamingo: 50-70:1b Ghostly axe/ Bat: 20-30:1b Phantom bats/ Hatchets: 70-100:1b Antique mirrors: 50-100:1b Antique rings: 4:1b Sktytwirler purple & green: 50-70:1b Skytwirler blue: 80-100:1b Autumn Sensu F: 30-40:1b/ Autumn Sensu M: 40-50:1b Tiradors F/ Leaf balls M: 60-80:1b Red yarn: 80-100:1b Yellow/ Blue yarn: 40-60:1b
Champagne Space 999: 160+b 499: 20-25b Desk: 10-14b Bed: Banana: 5-6b / Champagne: 9-10b Bookcase: 2b Rug: 2b Plant: 20c Chair: 1b Shelves: 20c AB plant: 15-20c AB bed: 15-20c Nightstand: 15-20c Lamp: 15-20c AB Desk: 10-15c Poster: 6c Wallpaper: 6c Floor: 6c