Vision pro

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lIlIllVash-The-StampedelIlIllI, Jun 10, 2023.

  1. Do you think it's the next big thing?

    I do personally feel that in 10 years, everyone would be using ar glasses which will replace your phone, tv and computers to some extent. Except professionals who really need that computing power and will be only using vision pro as a glorified screen for their machines.
  2. I will not. I dont care about keeping up with trends. I like the old school way of doing things. I wont follow the new trends either. There is no need for me to.

    But yes majority of the world will coz people are like sheep. Follow the crowd and flock together to all the new toys
  3. Idk what it is but from what you said here i think i can get it
  4. Maybe, but probably not in the next 10 years. There will definitely be more users, but I don’t think the technology will mature enough to replace existing interfaces in that timeframe.

    As an analogy, VR headsets have existed for decades, but they only started to catch on with consumers recently. It takes a long time for stuff like that to establish a new market.
  5. With the rate technology is advancing id say it will exist within the next 5yrs even so definitely possible for it to be wide spread use within 10yrs