Neil and Friends dorm and avatar matching contest June 2023

Discussion in 'Contests' started by iNeilTheSpeedyTurtle, May 30, 2023.

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  1. Bumping 🩴💥🩴💥
  2. [​IMG]
    As alw, ty for hosting 🫶
    This contest is an excuse for me to openly stalk n appreciate dorms 🤭
    #62 Iriesa, Jun 2, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2023
  3. [​IMG]

    My first dorm contest, not going to lie this editing too me a while 🤣
    Good luck everyone!
  4. [​IMG]
    🖤 Till Death
    🖤 Ravenghast
    🖤 Occult Classic
    🖤 Black Letter
    🖤 Midnight Tryst
  5. Honestly it is one of my favorite things as a judge. I love furni and making mixed dorms so getting to see the creativity of everyone and being like "ooh I want that furni" lol
    Iriesa likes this.
  6. [​IMG]

    🌊 Aurora Watch - floor
    🌊 Shoreline - poster

    UWU ❤️
  7. Forgot to mention the wall that one is brunch out🍉🫶🏼🤗
    Rapunzel and Emz like this.
  8. Also forgot the mogul above plant😂😂
    Rapunzel likes this.
  9. I would redo the post if I were you and write on your image the ones that are missing. Less messy and probably for the best as we might not remember this at the end of the contest 🖤 @Nina_Sophia
  10. *thanks for helping me with this!
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