Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

    You ask me please.

    Female. 29yrs old.
    Can be stats or more. Up to you!
    Colored names optional
    Max gifts 🎁
    Must be more the ln 10mcs.

    Send gift to get my attention.
  2. Still looking
  3. Still looking 👀
  4. Still looking
  5. Looking for perm rs
    Me: 30+/F 174mcs
    quiet and no rp ffs
    will max gifts, party fairy with a bad temper when hangry

    You: at least 150mcs
    Friendly but will not want to talk 24/7/365

    anything else we can discuss

    Must be 100 - 120mcs (I'm 122 mcs)
    No Sfw
    Active /talkative
    Max-Max Gifts (Optional)
    Preferably female
    Ask me out

  7. found <3
  8. 👀 Looking for a protective & fun partner in my dorm (preferably male) 😁

    ✅ Do cc together
    ✅ Around same mcs
    ✅ Max gifting eachother
    ✅ Playing the game together

    - Timezone GMT + 1/2 (Summer/Winter)
    - I’m not that talkative but like to have a social rs
    - Helping eachother out with gifts/collectables
    - Having eachothers back
    - Some hope, faith and pixiedust ✨😜
  9. Looking for a rs that can ask out im 26mcs
  10. Looking for a perm stat rs ✨

    You 🌸
    • Preferably around 40mcs+
    • Active/semi-active
    • Can ask
    • Sfw friendly
    • Max gifts (optional)
    I'm active, friendly(maybe) and do not rp 🥸

    Pick me, choose me, rs me 😔
    SadisticPuffahontas likes this.
  11. looking for a permanent stat rs

    • i’m 29 mcs, so you need to be 20+ mcs for me to consider you!
    • i can ask.
    • max-max gifts
    • i can do coloured names daily
    • i’d love to be friends in-game, just not interested in anything irl.
    • 21+ please!!!
    • sfw-friendly, but i’d like to avoid it whenever possible. 🥴

    wall/gift me if you’re interested!
  12. still looking.
    • I’m 13mcs
    • Looking for 12mcs+
    • Max:max gifts please!
    • No sfw
    • Possibly interested in being in the same club? (Not required)
    • Not looking for irl anything.
    • If I think we’re a good fit, I might be able to ask out. 😊
    ChickyChickyParmParm likes this.

  13. Still ^ looking gift or wall me
  14. Stat Only RS
    SFW, RP
    Me: 3.07mcs, 15.2m bonus to relationship
    You: 3mcs
    Ask out: I think I have 1 left

    Wall me to discuss.
  15. EDITS

    Stat Only RS
    ⛔ SFW, RP
    ☑️ I have ask out
    🆗 Gift max exchange

    🌻30+ year old, Yt, non-binary queer
    🌻3.07mcs (base) // 15.2mcs (bonus)
    🌻Alt account for my IRL gf
    🌻Active stat collector

    🥳30+ year old
    🥳minimum 3mcs (bonus)
  16. Stat RS Search!
    About me:
    • 45 mcs
    • Trans male
    • SFW friendly (to an extent)
    • I can ask if my stats or higher
    • Max/max (I do get maxed quickly so don’t worry too much, but I will always max you as soon as I notice there are new gifts)
    I am always in a cc club, don’t be surprised if I take you with me every here and then. I will not take the fall for you if you are in sfw, but I don’t mind hits every here and then. No I will not pay your CF’s for you lol suck it up buttercup. I’m pretty quiet of a person lol sorry if I don’t talk much. I do spoil my rs’s to an extent but if you are begging then all spoiling will stop. I hate beggers lol.

    Your Preferred requirements:

    • 35mcs+ (you ask if smaller than me)
    • Max:max hunt gifts
    • Must give me pink name dates once a week.😤
  17. Still Looking 👻
  18. Still looking
  19. Still looking (ask out corrected)