Club Feature Suggestion - Banned Members Section

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by DaddyDior, Apr 30, 2023.

  1. I know a lot of clubs have people banned from their club. It would be good if we have a feature where we can add the profile under -banned members- just like how our personal profile has a block list so that when they try joining again admins don't have to reject them manually and the system rejects them automatically. Vote Yes if you think we should have this feature.
    renamed29240, Mythiqal, Lumi and 5 others like this.
  2. Yes
  3. This is what we need for sure
  4. Yesss yes
  5. Support 👍😌
  6. Yes, support! ^^
  7. What we really need is a search members function so we don't constantly have to scroll through the members list
    Lite likes this.
  8. I would love if ata implemented this 😩🖤
  9. A struggle as old as the game, itself.