EVENT Make A Killing Club XC

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Will, Mar 8, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    What is a Club XC?
    A Club XC is a like a Collectathon that you accomplish with your Club Mates!
    This Club XC requires you to collect Find the Assassin Drops from parties!
    While the Club XC is on, its best not to leave your Club so that all your Find the Assassin drops count toward the clubs progress!


    When the CLUB XC first launched, there was an issue that meant when folks left clubs they took their contributed Club XC points with them. This has since been resolved, but we are unable to restore those points to clubs that people left during that short window. Sorry about that! The intended behaviour IS points earned in a club, STAY with that club!

    When does it start?
    THIS CLUB XC DOES NOT START UNTIL: Tuesday March 21st, 2023 at 12:00PM PST
    THIS CLUB XC ENDS: March 24th, 2023 at 12:00PM PST!

    We wanted to let everyone know now, so that you can plan ahead if you are scheduling parties!

    What are the rewards?

    What would happen if I joined another club while this XC is running?
    You will be able to collect rewards for tiers your new Club reaches after you've joined the club,
    but you won't be able to collect previous reward tiers that they reached while you were outside the club.

    When I left my club I missed a reward they received, if I join back will I get that reward?
    No, you only earn rewards from a club if you are in that club when they hit that reward tier!

    Will the Find the Assassin Drops I collected before the Club XC started count?
    No, only the drops collected after the Club XC has begun will count!

    What happens to my drops if I switch clubs?
    Drops you earn are only counted once! So if when you earn them, they are counted towards the club you are in, if you switch clubs it does not reduce the count for the club you left. And only new Drops received in the new club will count towards their progress.


    Have you done Club XC's before?
    Yes! Check out this original post that explains how these work if you want to know more :)
    #1 ATA-Will, Mar 8, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2023
    Muschi and SuckitTrebek like this.
  2. Bump
    ---Night--- likes this.
  3. I bet there will still be people being all like. WhY dIdNT i gEt my RewArdS
    Sativaa, MrsFonz-, brookkiee and 6 others like this.
  4. Lit I’m down ATA
    Astra- and DanaDangerous like this.
  5. I would love to see club events that don't favor people who spend 😩🤌🏻

    I love community events and I think club events are a great way to have us all engaging with each other.
    As someone who isn't about to abandon ship to get the rewards nor can afford to drop enough EC parties myself to compete, I'm disappointed that events structured like this don't leave much room for P/POTD clubs to compete.

    Id love to see a t100/t50 leaderboard, seperate leaderboards, or a more balanced way to collect "points".

    Also club pins. I would adore more options to obtain club pins ♡
  6. I like the idea but it's unrealistic and the normal rewards aren't worth it.

    And Booh! Top 10 club for the avatar. It's the vip version. What about the normal version?
  7. Is it do-able tho? 🤔
    Let's say 30 people got max POTD drop (which is 126) then a club got 3,780 drops each party. To make it easy, a club would likely done 10 POTD each day (if the POTD is not too easy or too hard). So, its 37,800 drops for a day. This event only last 3 days, so likely in the end the club got 113,400 drops, not even reaching 1st tier. Wow, unsurprising. Conclusion, its do-able. If you spend money.
  8. I thought the tattoo avatars would be a pvp event. 😔
    Last xc club event it didn't work for my account. Let's hope it works this time. 🤞🏼
  9. Ive never seen a club do 10 parties in a day unless its a easy party or cat club
    MrsFonz-, Lilly_forever and -Gon- like this.
  10. interesting… 🤔
  11. seems like only cat clubs and dog clubs will make it past the third tier, so if people have been wanting to join an ec club for a bit nows the time to do it i guess!
    -BlueberryCat- likes this.
  12. Judging by your stats, you haven’t seen much of Pimd in general… Plenty if POTD clubs do more than 10 a day.
    HentaiWithSenpai likes this.
  13. I been on the game 6yrs mate. This aint my 1st acc. Most clubs dont do a whole lot of parties when they are hard
  14. Wish the avas were not only top 10 clubs. Most standard ec clubs got XC ava with a bit of extra effort. (some flashing) it's unlikely many clubs will even get first tier at 180k. Though clubs looking to go hard should invite me 🧸👀
  15. 100% spend a lot of time and effort researching potd/ppotd testing everyday and never get any recognition for this. They should definitely do an event that would benefit potd clubs. This is very unfair, many clubs will most likely lose members to EC clubs because of this event, which in turn leaves them even worse off for the event. So not even given a head start in the race!
  16. What if the event starts and i don't have a club? Then the club i joined in already finished tiers, I won't get anything? Only those upcoming tiers?*respect pls*
  17. I think the random rotating p/potd in itself is something intended to bring the community together. It would be an impossible task for one club on its own to find and get right consistently and I don't believe that its something that clubs should get additional recognition for. (Although @GoddessHaiIey deserves major recognition for the constant updates to the p/potd testing thread that keeps us all organized)

    I just believe that if an event is being created meant to bring the community together, such as clubs leaderboards opposed to individual leaderboards, it should be designed in a way that is accessible for the majority of the community to participate in and offer a more balanced point system to compete for rewards.

    PIMD is already full of leaderboards for big spenders from your regular t10/t100 hunt leaderboards to xc events for ec spending and invite dropping with their own set of rewards.

    I'd rather see another individual leaderboard be dropped that is designed to reward the big spenders than have a club event that doesn't realistically provide the opportunity for most clubs to participate in.

    I think the only way an event like the one arranged in this thread would provide that opportunity is if we were given a large advanced notice of it so that all members could save their ec drops from party and story rewards to use during the event. The timeline on this one does not provide such an opportunity.
    Juniper_Gelato and Fayee like this.
  18. You are correct. As stated in the original post you have to be within the club when they reach each milestone to be able to collect those rewards at the end of the event. If you join after the club has reached a certian tier it will be rewarded to those who were in the club at that time, and not to those who joined after.
  19. Does that mean I have to jump to a club that hasn't finished any tiers yet so i can get those i missed?