Honor Student Additions (April 2015)

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. Hue hue
  2. I suggested them?
  3. ?that's not why i laughed

  4. Loooool.. I'm really late..
    I used to tolerate Lillie, til I saw ss of her crying in a cc how she was gonna get a certain club to farm us if she got hit 
    You are beyond lame
    Ask yourself why so many people can't stand you..
  5. cool another drama-full thread
  6. Stop.
  7. Please read response on previous thread
    KrazyPsycho likes this.
  8. Someone get the euthanasia
  9. Me. Warning kese kar u
  10. Me ar ning kese kar pauga
  11. Forums is english only
    Muschi likes this.
  12. He is saying how he can earn? He speaking hindi.
  13. Then he also needs to learn how to read english if hes going to play a english language game
  14. Congratulations
    Kefo likes this.
  15. This was 8 years ago man
    RoseMilkTea, Muschi and soz like this.
  16. He trynna be an honor student tooπŸ«ƒ
    Fawn378 and Snacklin like this.
  17. They're probably using internet explorer
    Atlas and Muschi like this.
  18. I wasnt on the game yet but somehow this still makes me feel old
    Muschi and Atlas like this.
  19. Better late than never πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚
    Atlas and Kefo like this.