Get Egged This New Year!

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Cleric, Dec 10, 2022.

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  1. I’m egg-cited to see all the works of art, thank you @Egg! 🦊💕🥚 have fun everybody and have a Happy New Year 🎉🥰
    _-Star-_ likes this.
  2. Sorry darling but you’re too late to enter
  3. Pup’s rain hat sent from ign: ladykoko to ign:misery recreated as an egg’s rain hat (with extra umbrella)

    Hope it makes someone smile

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  4. :p
    Super cute, but you’re supposed to recreate the gift that someone else sends to you. Please be aware everyone
  5. Ok actually doing what the instructions say *facepalm*

    I was sent an av-o’ lantern by ign summeranne :)

    I have created a vegetable skeleton man

    Complete with terrible avocado puns

    His proportions are way off but that’s what happens when you’re a vegetable skeleton [​IMG]

    enjoy! :)
  6. Hey guys- I know a lot of people are excited to do this, I am too! But please don’t spam me :p:p
    If you have not received a gift to recreate I will send you one after 24hrs passes at 3PM EST.
    I will be at work though so really I’ll send out replacement gifts at 10PM EST.
    You must ADD ME and let me know you didn’t receive a recreation gift. Thank you.
  7. So why did my dimbass give y’all my Instagram name wow I’m
    Slow asf -_- anyway I’m a little confused on what to do lol
    Lite likes this.
  8. You must recreate the gift that your partner sends you!
    Meth or Egg should’ve sent you a an egg tempura with your partners name by now
    And your partner should’ve sent you a gift by now
    And vice versa (send your partner a gift, they are supposed to recreate it with any form of art or creative medium)
    Cannabearz and Cleric like this.
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