My go on certain EC clubs

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by YouWishYouKnewMe, Nov 30, 2022.

  1. I would like to start this off and say running an EC club is a hard thing to do it takes alot of time and help from good admins. If you dont have good admins your club will not run smoothly. Amung the clubs i have been in and talking to some admins in these clubs i think i have made a good evaluation for people either looking for a home club and or looking for a place to Admin.

    Lets Start off with a club that is no longer in session
    KBB or Kitty Bang Bang

    I myself went to the club it was an alright club i did notice that certain admins basically ran the the club while i was there certain people in the game braught drama into club chat what i can say is they didnt really respond how they should have in situatons and it made the overall feel to the club wonky it felt like alot of people were walking around on egg shells.
    While talking to former Admins they have made remarks such as " The president is not as as much as she should " and " There are only 2 admins on here that do everything and its exhausting"

    if i were to rate this club i would give it a 6/10 the club did run for a while there just wasnt a strong admin foundation to keep it running

    Doggie Style is a fairly new club that opened not to long ago
    when they first opened they did a soft opening that i attended it was good prices and it worked as far as giving the admins a chance to get used to it and as far as booking.
    Like i said before it takes strong admin foundations to keep a club running when i was in there i noticed that the admins had strong friendships and worked well with there club members they do make it a nice experiance and thust far have been doing good
    When i reached out to certain admins they have all said they enjoy it there but its a bit competitive while trying to preform admin duties and wish they could work better together .
    something new i did see was they recently got a sister club i cant wait to see how that plays out.

    I would personally give this club a 8/10

    Popoki Hale'aina .....
    When they first started mannnn one of the people who helped make it was a TOTAL buzzkill she was so rude to everyone and thaught that she was a nice person and blamed everyone for her faults it made the experiance not good at all. The only rason i am giving for giving them any score is because im unsure if that person still is a VP or not and they seem to be doing okay

    I would rate them a 4/10 as i ahve said before admins are a key Part of how your club does and how you guys are precived just because you have cute wall art doent mean the aurora you spread is cute

    The last club im going to be doing is Freakin' Meowt

    I know there past is a bit wonky from certain admins and they delt with alot of SFW with there past president so going in i was a bit iffy thinking it was going to be just as bad.
    But actually the new president actually has her heard on her shoulders another thing that is key besides good admins is a strong leader which she is. I would actually say out of all the EC clubs i have been in this clubs president was on the most which i think is important. Alot of clubs owners leave alot and leave it up to the foundation of there admins. as for the admins i have seen good friendships and even recently my friend told me one of the admins hoasted a trivia night that was fun which i think is cool. When i talked to one of the admins they told me it was a well put together club on the otherside and they have alot of support from each other when i asked about the admin competitivness they told me they all take turns which i think is great. overall the admins there make it a pleasent experiance

    i would give this club a 10/10 its the first EC club that i can confedently say has stepped up there game Doggie Style was close i just think they can step up a little more

    If you actually read this all i hope you take this into consideration when choosing your next club there are so many clubs that cant fit into this but i may continue to unonumously
  2. Good thing there are literally hundreds of clubs to choose from then or you have the option of stating your own
    KEE, Rafe, Rosalia and 1 other person like this.
  3. For real💀 sounds like a Karen's yelp review
    KEE, Rafe and DinosAreTheOldestCars like this.