Great idea and concept but I'm not wasting my hard earned money on a maybe. I think the entries is too expensive for how many you probably need to have a good chance of winning. Probably need to drop over $500 for this avatar to stand a chance 😆 No thanks!
Yes, like you've mentioned in the second comment that some peeps might not be so lucky with the offers for free ecs, I'm one of them. Most of the offers that pop for me are related to enormous amount of time you have to spend (or waste) to play an app and reach a ridiculous level as a requirement, just to get between 1-3 ecs. There are no offers to install and run an app, the survey site is broken because anytime I fill out info in order to complete surveys, the message is the same "this survey wasn't appropriate for you" and I get around ...0.5 ecs for every failed survey. So there is still no balance between the offers for free ecs and the possibility to spend real money for ecs. The second one guarantees 100% ecs. Another example is to download an app, reach certain levels for 1 ec and there comes the "not necessary" option to spend money in the app you installed for free ecs, if you do that you get a nice amount of ecs. So what's the difference between downloading an app and spend money there for more ecs, and spend money here for the same amount of ecs because I don't see any 😂
I forgot to mention the times I actually completed an offer (for the first time as it is required) and still didn't get payout 🫠
Imagine spending hundreds of dollars (thousands..?) on a graphic aesthetic and to "support" a team of developers that constantly profit from cash grabs and ptw content.'s prolly an addiction. All the gambling elements in this game simply get to certain people. I'm pretty sure many spend more than they can actually afford.
Why do like 70% of female avi’s nowadays have the ugliest faces What is that jawline & chin 😂 Her eyebrows fleek af 💅, but her eyes are so close together, it’s giving Nash Grier vibes If I hurt your feelings, @ ata artists, I’m sorry. Y’all are so talented, but for some reason the faces are ALWAYS a 50/50 coin flip. Half the avis are always on the verge of “is she/he actually attractive? or is just their outfit/body shape that looks good.”
Oh, so I'm not the only one 😅 But, to be fair, I racked up over 500 ecs doing some of those slot games. One was really good too, like, when I finished the offer, I still had tons of coins to keep spinning and get higher levels
The worst part about this is the lack of a leader board so people who actually want the avatars know what they'd need to put up to obtain the avatars.
Agreed! I believe more people would participate if they had an idea of how likely they were to win. 95/95 avatars aren’t cheap or easy to get, so the intrinsic value of the prize is pretty great, but I hardly saw anyone else with bids and got the sinking feeling that I overpaid by a lot 😳
Mostly luck XD I just downloaded a ton of slot games and found that some put player experiences above profits, so I'd get more wins per 100 spins, so that kept my coins from falling to where I couldn't spin.
Yeah I totally overbid😀 I hate that I spent so many ecs on this granted I had like 700 something saved and just spent remnants and what I got along the way but man I wish y’all woulda made a leaderboard 😀 I have a weird feeling that like nobody is gonna get their stuff back cuz too few people actually bid but maybe that’s just me