Discussion in 'Guides' started by Phobia, Sep 23, 2021.

  1. Thanks Will! 🐝🖤
  2. Caring about the NPC's?
  3. I forgot you were alive, welcome Kefo 🖤
    Muschi likes this.
  4. This is an old thread but uh latest goes -> JD and Dani (amicably?) broke up, from what I read up to in the story : (
    Old news but Cordi and Molly’s relationship is missing from that section. We also need a guide to Violet, Nurse Meera, and the Dean—characters who have come up in the stories since last year
    Phobia, Muschi and GoddessHailey like this.
  5. I'm still planning to update it!
    Currently trying to find a way to get the hunt stories and hopefully continue the Hunt Story Database guide so I don't miss info (probably will add a relationships section to keep track lol)- tysm for the updates! 🖤
  6. That sounds like a dream come true. It starts to kill my fun of the game, that i always get teasered with the stories and never hear how they end.
    Thanks for doing the work
    Phobia likes this.