House Husbands

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Aug 14, 2022.

  1. Ahhhh.
    The year was 1950.
    Your man went to work at the factory.
    You stayed up, taking care of the kiddos
    The house.
    You in short were a house wife.

    Now it's 2022...

    And I say we make House Husbands a thing.
    Or normalize it.
    Normalize yo woman going to work
    While you stay back home
    Take care of the kiddos,
    Cleaning up,
    Paying da bills..

    Without any stigma attached to it.

    So y'all my question here is

    Men of pimd, If you could be a house husband would you do it , or nope? Why or why not?

    Ladies of pimd, would you like a house husband or you want yo man to work too?

    Let's go
  2. Nope i wouldnt. I need to be working and doing shit. My head goes mental when i cant work
  3. The hubby and I both work. I think it’s nice.
  4. Nah, fuck that. DINK is the way.
  5. I'm a housewife and my husband is a househusband.

    We won at life 😋
  6. How do you survive with nether of yous having a job
  7. We're good at eBay 🤷
  8. Fair enough
  9. What does that mean
  10. Dink seems ight in its own way
  11. But would you like him as a house husband if you could
  12. House wife and husband stuff pretty hard working too
  13. House work aint hard work
  14. Yeah it is if you are a perfectionist.
    I be seeing peeps with grime in they fridge.
    Lite likes this.
  15. Took me 10mins to wipe out my fridge when i left it for 7 months coz kept forgetting about it and was covered in all kinds of shit