How to become the best version of yourself.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lIlIllVash-The-StampedelIlIllI, Jul 21, 2022.

  1. Simple Life hack.

    Create a good feedback loop for yourself.

    Ask everyone around you three things.

    1) what am I doing right?

    2) what am I doing wrong?

    3) what would you do if you were me?

    Three kinds of people can be there in the feedback loop.

    1) Haters {ignore them}

    2) Innocent critics {People with good intentions but bad advice, usually family and loved ones fall in this category}

    3) Constructive critics

    Note down all the points and think thoroughly about everything. Don't disrespect people who are giving wrong advice according to your research as someone who's giving wrong advice tonight says something sensible tomorrow.

    logan4829, Sulani and Kefo like this.
  2. I don't do the whole best version of myself thing anymore.
    Essentially, we are gonna fuck up over and over and since we are humans, flawed, situational, we go through phrases.
    The best version of yourself will not work in the long run in my life.
    Some days I'll make my bed others I won't
    Some days I'll have a great diet
    Other days I won't
    Some days I'll control my anger
    Other days I say mean things in frustration
    And when I followed the "best version of myself" advice and messed up, I felt worst.
    So I shifted to acceptance in my self.
    Some days I'll do amazing and try hard other days I will not and that's okay.
    For me it's a journey where I accept the capacity of that day and use all the insight for the next day, maybe I'll do better maybe I won't but I did what I could at my capacity and I can live with that.
  3. They're all just opinions from others though. Only you truly know yourself.
    Buwbuw likes this.
  4. You've always been the best version of yourself, because that's the only version that exists.
    Buwbuw likes this.
  5. Good point 😂
  6. Quit pimd💀
    Buwbuw likes this.
  7. Stop giving a fuck what people think of you and just live your life. Explore and find who you are.

    The people who mind dont matter.
    The people who matter dont mind.
    Buwbuw likes this.
  8. I used to do this. Generally the feedback was:

    What am i doing right?

    What am i doing wrong?

    What would you do if you were me?
    "Kill myself"

    That kinda shit from so many people is only gonna destroy your confidence and who you are. Best thing you can do is make sure you understand basic respect, morals and common sense. And then you will be sweet.

    But for the most part best thing to do is stop giving a fuck what people think of you. Most people generally get to this stage once they reach mid-late 50s. But the sooner you can get to that stage, at a point where you not only say it but also truely believe in it and in yourself....the sooner your life will be alot happier and alot better.

    Im not 100% there yet myself but im most of the way there. And stress levels have dropped a fuck ton and alot of the shit that would make me shitty now dont even bother me. Coz its not my problem.

    You control how you react to things. Things are only a problem if you make it one. Theres always a way to get out of bad situations ect.
  9. Op is stupid
  10. We're all the best version of ourselves when we die cuz we can't mess up anything else 🥴
  11. You ignored the bottom part of the post, the three kind of people who might give your feedback.

    Somehow, from the looks of it, everyone around you falls in the first category.

    There can be two things now, either all those people were online trolls and you were looking at the opinion of wrong people or there's a bigger problem at hand.

    The other reason could be that everyone around you was toxic, because who in their right mind will tell someone to kills themselves in real life.

    If this still holds true for you, before focusing on a feedback loop, you need to create a circle where people genuinely value you.
  12. You can stop giving fucks about other people's opinions and still take constructive criticism from others.

    If one assumes that they're the smartest tool in the shed and no one can help them improve, that's possibly the dumbest thing to do in life because that person in ignoring whatever room is there for improvement.

    Everyone is good at different things and different people will actually see genuine faults you have.

    There will always be people who just hate you and won't add anything productive to the conversation and you can always just ignore their whole existence.

    *Just like I am ignoring this stupid bitch named buwbuw :)*
  13. Look at my account, I followed that advice years ago. I only visit these forums like I visit reddit, once every few months.
  14. Hi hi Jopo love❤️

    Yes, they are opinions but there can be something really good in those opinions.

    I'll give you an example:

    When I used to do public speaking at college, I was really good at it.
    One day a classmate came to me and said, "Dude, you move your head so much while talking, it's distracting."

    Another day, another person pointed out that I move my hands randomly while saying stuff.

    I could treat both of them as haters back then and just live happily saying, " What do they know about public speaking, it's not like they have done anything significant so far!"

    Yeah, could be a great way to live, but I'd have never improved. Instead I stopped moving my head a lot and only did it on purpose. I stopped randomly moving hands and started doing proper gestures that helped in visually explaining the point I am trying to make.

    I agree, there are lot of people who have bad opinions and who hate you.

    I also agree that there are people like family who have good intentions but give very bad advice sometimes and have garbage opinions.

    But among all these, there are genuine criticism and if we start recognising those without letting our ego come into the way, we could become way better than we are currently.
  15. I mean you cant make everyone happy. May as well just be yourself and find the people who are algoodz with that.

    I understand whats wrong with me now that generally puts people off me. But its something that cant be fixed. Coz its part of my autism. My brain just literally doesnt understand social cues and boundaries apart from the big ovius ones. I dont understand the middle ground of lie a bit so people are happier but dont lie to much or no one will trust you and will hate you more. Im either straight up or i dont talk.

    Have also gained people that hate me coz they are intimidated by my determination in getting what i want in life to make my life better and wont let shit stop me from doing the things. Even with them tryna tear me down and ruin my life.
  16. Some things qre just out of your control. No point losing your shit over it. Gotta just accept it and do your thing
  17. Okay, your way of looking at other people's opinion is very different to mine.

    I guess this is a fault at my end as I assumed that other people also think fo criticism and opinions like I do, but I am wrong.

    You're thinking that taking criticism and improving or changing yourself is something people do to make other people happy and you can't possibly make everyone happy.

    And that's a good way to look at things.
    Yes, you can't make everyone happy.

    And I don't care about making anyone happy. That's besides the point. Everything I do though is based upon a skill. And there is always some genuine criticism that helps me in refining that skill.

    So, when I say you need to take feedback to improve yourself, it implies that you need to take constructive criticism to improve yourself for yourself by yourself.

    If you can become a better public speaker or parent, it helps you! You are not doing it so that your children think you're a better parent, you become a better parent because you want to.

    If my wife tells me that I am not spending enough time with her, I can't go and say that I don't give a fuck about her opinion. Maybe, I don't and maybe I don't care about what she thinks. But I should atleast hear her out and see if I can improve myself as a partner for making the relationship better.

    You improve yourself when you notice that there is a room for improvement, you don't improve yourself just to improve other people's opinion of you. Because that would be a very shallow way to live life.

    I will ask you if my Taco tastes good because I want to make better Tacos. Why would I give a damn if you think I am grabage at making Tacos.

    But ofcourse, saying that Tacos were garbage or they weren't salty enough can be ignored if one person says that. If everyone says that, maybe there's some fault in my cooking.

    There's a fine line between hate and criticism.

    There's also a fine line between not caring about what others think and letting ego get in the way of our personal growth.
  18. Watch Andrew Tate videos
  19. It’s still quit PIMD. And, if you’re fat like me, eat less.
  20. Eat less isnt always the way. Need to eat regularly to get motabalizum up. And you need to eat enough otherwise your body holds onto everything to keep you alive