EVENT 🏋️ Ready, Sweat, Go! 🏋️

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Jul 10, 2022.

  1. They had plenty fat Avis when they wasn't exercising js n females do be taking booty shots in the gym lol
    -P_M-Juss_Swagg and Xara like this.
  2. If you’re talking about the one I’m thinking, then I’m sorry to tell you it is 😔💔
  3. Clearly she meant the sailor moon hunt which majority seemed to like just cuz u disagree doesn't mean the popular vote reflects ur views
    SpookyPeach and TheGodOfScylla like this.
  4. This ain’t it );
    SpookyPeach likes this.
  5. Bad timing. I'm so hot I can't move. Just looking at these people makes me tired.
  6. Just wanted to say that Summer Days is super cute.
  7. I hate this 🙂🤌🏻
    SpookyPeach likes this.
  8. I’m down for VIP fat guy.
  9. A fitness hunt during lazy girl summer r u kidding me
  10. I JUST SAW NOOOOO 😭😭😭😭
    SpookyPeach and Gossamer like this.
  11. Not into the fitness type furniture, it’s hard to do much with them so I feel like this is going to be a lot of recycle. The avis are alright, 499, the open door 999, and wp are okay. Not a fan of the stats. 🤔
    SpookyPeach likes this.
  12. Can we talk about how the box avis ass is bigger than her entire upper body? Tf
    SpookyPeach likes this.
  13. our very own kim kardashian avi 🥺
    Zeri likes this.
  14. Which avi is side
  15. SIGHi just know they gonna make the black Avis the lb and gives us the chubby Avis instead 🥹
  16. Bottom left girl and guy above her I guess
  17. The healthiest ones are sides
  18. I’m sorry but.. where are all these fat avis? They rarely even have them to begin with lmao
  19. Size doesn't always equal health.
    This is such a harmful and unnecessary comment to make, regardless if you like the hunt or not.