Finding avatars SUCKS. Especially on android.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by RandomPaperGangster, Jul 7, 2022.

  1. That's it pretty much. I know there's some threads about it already, but honestly I think there needs to be some respectful harshness/criticism added to the topic. Its not that a new system would be 'nice' and something that I want. What I'm gonna say is that the current system is garbage and not actually functional in the least.

    Also, there is a disparity between the Android and IOS versions of the game. IOS is slightly better than Android, on iPhones you can go to the items tab and use a search function if you know the name if the avi you are looking for. You can also star Avis so they appear in your starred. Neither of these are options for android users; for what reason, I have no idea. These aren't great solutions and for the record just getting this to Android would not be enough, but at least it would be something.

    For an actual solution, why isn't there a tab/page JUST for avatars THAT YOU OWN? I know there is an avatar page, but it includes avatars that you don't have while also providing no guidance which is just sad and confusing for new players. Also, the UI is just bad and its horrible to actually look through in general. Ideally, in a new and better system, we can sort by masculine and femanine presenting, or by stats, and a favorites system. Also, an option to sort for non-human avatars would be good I think... there's not that many of them but there are more than there are fully androgynous/nonbinary avatars sooooo... options.

    My best guess as to why this hasn't been implemented is workload. Most likely, the current avatars don't have any tagging system that would allow for better sorting, and doing to would mean going back through hundreds and thousands of avatars. To which I say: tough cookies. It needs to be done. Even if it means no new BB or champagne stuff for a while until it is done. The current system just isn't feasible.

    Quality of life updates are just as important if not more so than new marketable material.
  2. If you go to your “items”, your avatars will appear at the very top in chronological order, so the top being the most recently earned/bought. You can change how the layout is by the bottom left corner. You can change it to the strongest to weakest, alphabetical order, etc. I actually use that instead of the search bar, and I’m iOS.
    luvhaven and Atlas like this.
  3. There is no sorting in items on android at all. Also, still needs a better system in general when you have 5+ pages of avatars alone.
    Lite likes this.
  4. Yes there is. I have android and have the sorting button
    luvhaven likes this.
  5. [​IMG]

    And you do have it coz the version without it is so old that you literally wouldnt be on here rn coz it was a forced update. Meaning HAD to update the game if wanted to keep playing. Otherwise the game wouldnt load
    Seriously likes this.
  6. To see all avis you own go to your profile and scroll down. Then tap view all on the items section. Then it shows every single avi you own
    luvhaven likes this.
  7. And then just tap on the ones you want to look at in full. And tap use on the 1 you want to use
    luvhaven likes this.
  8. I’ll trade you the dog for my cheerleader avi 😮‍💨
  9. Is she hot
  10. Eh kinda
  11. Support, it should be more streamlined.
    RandomPaperGangster likes this.
  12. Show me
  13. There’s a sorting button? I never noticed that😂 quite handy I must say
  14. I have a sorting option in showcase, not items. But showcase does not show avatars.
    Lite likes this.
  15. That is showcase, which does not show avatars. There's not even any in your ss
  16. Yeah this is that absolutely terrible system that I hate
    Lite likes this.
  17. That’s only for iOS, sadly.
    I have an Android as well as an iPhone and sorting through PIMD avis on Android is terrible 😭
  18. There’s still no way to sort anything in items though. 😅🥲
    In showcase there’s a button to sort by strongest, alphabetical, etc.
    But not in “items” on Android.
  19. I was honestly wondering when someone would bring this up. Thank you.

    Unrelated tidbits that I’m adding just coz:
    iOS & Android vary in the littlest ways, yet it can be very annoying 😂

    On Android if you want to exchange or UG dormmates, it will say 1.65T or whatever.
    But on iOS, it will say 1.6T, which annoys the hell out of me.

    I can never really know the exact amount on iPhone coz it’s just missing a whole number digit, and I shouldn’t have to go to forums to check every time.

    On Android, people’s stats on their profile ALSO have an extra digit.
    Android: Str: 4.39mcs Int: 4.39mcs
    iPhone: Str: 4.3mcs Int: 4.3mcs
    (Not completely accurate, but Android still gets an extra number digit.)

    You get the point.
  20. I mean you asked for a way to see all the avis you own. Thats the way to do it. Doesnt take long to look thru