Discussion in 'Activities' started by michel_aka-the_devilled-angel, Jun 29, 2022.

  1. [ 60🍱 Rᴀғғʟᴇ]
    [🏆2 winners gєτѕ 30🍱 🏆]
    [👀📚check ωαℓℓ ƒοя ιиƒο ]
  2. Post the info here dawg, this is a forum
    milli and Witchee like this.
  3. What is the payout date for this raffle? Since the last one never paid our, seems like you should at least say when it ends.
    TrashRat, Witchee and Gokila like this.
  4. If there are 700 numbers and you have to buy a number for 5c, how is there no limit to entries? Also seems fishy that you don't give us the number, how will we know what numbers are available to pick from? Also, yeah, when does it end? And can we contact you to see a record of the drawing?
    Witchee, Gokila and V_Witchy_101 like this.
  5. Why make new threads just bump your other post
  6. Ofcourse you can contact il add to give all the details and you can decide for your self
  7. Im new to it so idk 😂
  8. Any update on when someone might actually win one of your raffles?
  9. Ok doesn’t anyone else find it fishy that they go silent whenever asked about payout? And they admit they didn’t payout the last raffle?
    milli and Seriously like this.
  10. Its 100% a scam
    V_Witchy_101 likes this.
  11. I dont have time me is sowwwyy but if asked in private or wall il reply since i get notifications their also im a lazy person so its a habit of mine to leave people hanging sometimes😂 but as i said raffle should end in about 3days from now or if all numbers arent filled il extend 1 more week so i can get more participants to join untill all numbers are fully taken pls note that caus of 4th of july things where slower then usual . Also payouts will be in the vid proof il be doing on 2 platforms wich combined have more than 100 persones in it for more info do pm or wall me caus i dont realy talk here much . Also i remember that you had doubts im giving same numbers to people that has been prevented by me having a list to keep track of everyone entering meaning if somone whas giving a number previously taken il tell him . Ooof thats a lot of words me is tiered but that sums about the just of it
  12. If you are lazy then it makes more sense to write it once here instead of re writing it to every person
  13. Like the fact you refuse to make the details public is what makes it the most dodgey
    V_Witchy_101 likes this.
  14. He said he puts people in a gc. Where’s this gc? And who’s in it? 🧐 No one’s testifying to your innocence
    milli and V_Witchy_101 like this.
  15. I’ve not seen a single person that isn’t in on this endeavor say anything about it. Not one “refunded” player stepped up to defend them.
  16. Refuse to give details ?? I never said i refused in fact i said im to lazy to reply but let me rephraze my words better pls tell me exactly what you want to know so i can give you details caus each person has diffrent questions about details . Also i cant disclose what gcs on the app caus of 3rd party violation of rules exactly why i said pm me also i do not realy mind what you guys think of me since its your oppinion and im not bothered i dont realy wana bother my clients to say anything for me .
  17. It's the lacking of grammar, spelling, and punctuation for me 😔🤚I can understand if people don't care about that but at least make it readable and understandable 😑🤭

    And the fact that one of your previous "winners" is also a "sponsor" cough. Like I "sponsor" my friend in her raffles however I don't enter the raffles I'm sponsoring nor do I enter a raffle, just so the host gets their bentos or "prizes" back/to use for another raffle.

    But hey what do I know 🤷‍♀️ It's not like you've pulled this stunt before in the past or anything
    Calvin and V_Witchy_101 like this.
  18. Sponsors in current raffle cant enter but if they arent the one sponsoring me why would i say no plus the fee is same for everyone i dont realy think if they won it would be that big of a deal it becomes their bentoes and their will to say i they want to sponsor me later on or not i am in no way cappable of predicting what they decide . And also about the grammar part well i cant help it 😂 oh before i forget you can say to me whatever you want i wont realy say anything back caus i mean whats the point but whatever my rafflea are well they are caus i like em this way if my freinds wana join that tbh makes it easier for me caus raffle ends quicker and lets face it i have alot of people that i got to know caus of raffle and are now my freinds if im gona cut them off of the raffle well i domt think that would be wise unless the game has 1million persone loging in every day😂
  19. Also sory that i talk a lot but i try my best to say all i can caus i dont go to forums much and i hope everyone a great day and i apreciate each comment no matter what they are caus i repeat i am here for a whyle i dont mind chritisem it makes me improve
  20. You havnt even mentioned basic details.

    When does it end. When do the winners get their prize. Its basic shit that shouldnt need to be asked for.

    You said you have video proof of past winners but still havnt shown it. Link the video.

    Stop it with the excuse that you are lazy. You could of put all the details here instead of the rambling responses. But instead you chose to dodge simple shit once again