Spinner Ads

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by VanGoghAway, Jun 28, 2022.

  1. Hey! Is anybody else receiving 0 coins when watching ads on the spinner? Figured I'd ask before I create a ticket, in case it's happening to multiple people.
    renamed32330 likes this.
  2. Only if I leave the app before the ad is done
  3. Mine is full on just saying you earned 0 coins when it gets to the reward screen. 🥴😂
  4. Update your game. Ata posted about this
  5. I have no updates, but I did uninstall and reinstall and no change 🫣
    renamed32330 likes this.
  6. This is happening to me too, no update notifications.
  7. Then send a help ticket. Im having no issues. Like the box struggles to open but when i reload the game i have a notification saying i got tokens and the tokens are added to my count