New Suggestions from Players

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by RageStoleChristmas, Mar 22, 2022.


Do you think ATA should make Hypnocats, Pizza Bikinis, and Money Dogs TRADEABLE?

  1. Yes

    60 vote(s)
  2. No

    24 vote(s)
  1. That doesn’t let us actually SORT through it tho. Say if you’re selling beds at you want to look at ONLY the beds… there should be a button that allows you to only look at beds
  2. This is kinda dumb but changing the spinner so not every big account only gets money. Hundreds of spins and I get money 98% of the time.
  3. Its luck based. Money is the most common drop. Its coded to be that way. If the gigher value stuff was a easier drop their value would also drop
  4. I
    I know 🥲 it is just so annoying sometimes
  5. PREACH! I love popping in and baristaing it up 🤧 bit more content would be nice!!
    -Starlight- likes this.
  6. Petition to extend Prank Primer to 2 hours and Draw Manga to 3 hours
  7. Manga is fine prank can be a pain at times but its not to bad. Its only 'hard' coz people see 1hr and blow it off as a easy party so end up hitting fuck all. Not relizing last bar is probly about the same as 2.5 bars. The more people that learn that the easier it gets to finish fast
    Katelyness92 likes this.
  8. Update how avatars are sorted
    Under "items" the avatar sorting has got way out of hand and the stat items are mixing in between the avatar options. The horizontal scrolling for avatar selection when you click on your avatar from the "profile" screen is just as horrendous.

    We want to see the most avatars possible to select from with minimal scrolling. I suggest ata arrange the "change avatar" page (when you click from profile) similar to how the ones under "items" are displayed, specifically with:
    • Verical Scrolling (Endless would be ideal)
    • Previews to fit the most on your screen
    • Starred avis to appear on top
    • And of course un-bought EC avatars at the tip top so they can still promote their availability.
  9. Support. And fix the items section to. For a bit all avis are at the start but for some reason the newer ones have become mixed in with all the other shit
    starkisses likes this.
  10. My avatar looks like a nerd my room too I want something sexy and a classicroom pls change it for me
  11. It is against terms of use to share your account with other people. You have to do it yourself
  12. The number of times I've lost a profile I was on from campus because I backed out or tapped away to check my inventory or forum...would love a last visited profile to find them again 😰
  13. Can we get a search bar when gifting?
  14. Support
  15. Personally yes I think cats dogs kinis etc should be tradable ( but this could also lead to farmers asking for EC cats dogs etc ) as a CF, and has we all know that’s against the rules !
    I also think that all furniture should be able to UG and that we should have another room like a kitchen with a fridge toaster oven etc
    Also some new items on the spinner
    A new bento set
    New jobs
    A improved CC
  16. Trading drops (kinis cats dogs invites) will never be a thing for the same reason the ability to trade ec got removed. You get special low price deals when you have a new acc. People abuse it by making a fuck ton of accs then trading it to their main