
Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by DTM, Jun 4, 2022.

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  1. Can anyone help me with a farming situation?
  2. If you’re going to fuss in forums, we are going to need the tea.
  3. What crop?
  4. not fussing, just my friend is being farmed just for being in a cat club it’s kinda dumb tbh people get farmed for the dumbest things
  5. hehe
  6. have chibi for helpers 👀
    Gaijin likes this.
  7. People ask about this stuff so much, you should've searched forums first.

    Don't peace tag. Don't leave links (don't wall/gift/add). Hide your money. Don't engage. Don't encourage them. Orrr, pay cf or leave club.
  8. No one farming for just a chibi lol
  9. didn’t mean a literal chibi 🧏‍♀️
  10. i wouldn’t have made a post if searching forums helped 🧏‍♀️ thanks for the advice!
  11. If searching forums didn't help, then you probably just want someone else to completely eliminate the threat. You probably want a farmer to farm whoever is farming you.
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