Make blocking people prevent them from interacting with you at all.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by PhoenixElliot, Jun 3, 2022.

  1. I had a guy harassing me and I blocked him so he just keeps hiring me over and over and it's extremely annoying. It should be impossible for people to interact with you in any way, shape or form after they are blocked.
    bubbleberrykiss and Rainie like this.
  2. What's his IGN?

    I'll volley you with someone so that he can't hire you anymore.
    Alicia and Seriously like this.
  3. I like this idea
  4. But anyways, unfortunately this will not be changed. This would also affect sfw, and the fighting aspect of the game is what makes it… we’ll want it is lol
    Alicia likes this.
  5. Who your pupil is does not effect your game in any way. Why you complaining about free easy money. You said you got him blocked so whats the issue?
  6. Also you are insanely under priced. That will be why you keep getting hired
  7. Who even is in sfw anymore? And who “fights”?
  8. I think cat clubs are the main groups in sfw. Clubs like Ascension and CnC still farm