CONTEST WINNERS Winners of the Masquerade Raffle! 🎭

Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATAClaptrap, Jun 2, 2022.

  1. Do I get it correctly or I needed to get 12 tickets to get something out of this? I thought it was luck but I guess it's all money 💰 🤧
  2. I got a domino mask stat and a second box and I opened the box and I got a VIP stat!
    iReviveHim and Humayra like this.
  3. Yes, you NEEDED to get 12 tickets to have a GUARANTEED reward as stated on the very first post, you should read it again. 🤷‍♀️
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  4. I got 4th wooo!!
    -BlueberryCat- likes this.
  5. Same! I feel better now.😄
  6. Aww I hoped for the avis 🥺. Congrats to all that won 🌹
    -BlueberryCat- likes this.
  7. Congo to all winners. Hoped for the avis too. 🥺
  8. Congratulations to all of the winners! I hope to see another one of these sometime! I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t get the avi this time around but I’m happy with the animals 🥳
  9. I didn't get any avi as I hoped, the runner prizes tho 💗 tyty
  10. Not talking about the box but the avatars since most winners bought a lot of tickets it's supposed to be about luck but doesn't look like it it's more like ATA rewarding the people spending money in here to maintain the business. There's my between the lines
    Princesscarebear and Hooters like this.
  11. I bought 7 tickets n won 1 raffle box. Should I be happy with it or regret?
  12. I bought 10 and didn’t get anything so 1 raffle box isn’t too bad!
    -_-xmen likes this.
  13. If you did NOT receive a prize, click here to view my raffle!
  14. That’s simply not true, although I will never defend ATA lol I’ve seen many people with 24 tickets or more that didn’t get any avis. Yet there’s people with only 1 or 2 tickets who got it 🤷‍♀️ so ultimately it’s luck. I get you’re upset, but you can’t get everything your way.
  15. I’ve seen plenty of people with just 1-5 tickets with the avis tho. And I myself bought 10 tickets and didn’t even get a box.
    Raffles are random. But if you buy more tickets you’re obviously more likely to win. 🤷🏻‍♀️
    LeeJarrett, Ciara and NotCake like this.
  16. Thats a dumb theory, I bought equal amounts of tickets on my alt and main, u don't see my alt getting the avis now do u🧐 its all about luck and the how u bought ur tickets.

    Also what about the top2nd prize person who won with only 1 ticket? How's ata "rewarding those who spend alot on tickets" smh
  17. I mean when you think about it, if they aren’t, then they’re not doing something right…
  18. This is my 13th reason
    So for one time we have Italian things I didn't win anything 😔💔 🇮🇹
    Btw in Italian is Colombina no Culumbina
    Seriously and Seductive like this.