LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Masquerade Raffle Box! 🎭

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, May 19, 2022.

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  1. Who won👀
    MrsTeddy likes this.
  2. Waiting………🌚
  3. I'm guessing it'll take about an hour or so for devs to distribute prizes. But plz I hope I got an avi 🤞🏼

    Winners will be on a separate thread. Please do not bump this one! You may confuse new forum members. Thank you!
  5. 👀😭
    Graey likes this.
  7. We got played for fools🌚there was never a raffle
    Ciabatta and Graey like this.
  8. Imagine if ATA scammed- 💀
    --Tifa, Ciabatta and Graey like this.
  9. I got blocked from being able to post in chat because I asked when the raffle was ..... wtf😒
    Ciabatta and Graey like this.
  10. When will they be announced
    Graey likes this.
  11. Y’all are truly idiots. This is a completely different raffle. If you check the date, this was from around black friday.
  12. Really soon. The dev in charge of the thread is probably doing last-minute touches to make sure the thread comes out correctly
    Seductive and Ducka like this.
  13. 🤣🤣🤣🤣that would be really painful
    Friz and Ducka like this.
  14. Please check the post 💀 it literally isn’t
  16. Lmao be patient
  17. Ata slow to roll this one out eh. Keep us in suspense.
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